I arrived at Not the IRS shortly before 9am, and I'm stuck here until 9pm. With no scheduled appointments. *sigh* I made a few appointment-scheduling calls, and have answered the phone a few times, but beyond that I have nothing to do.
So I've been doing some reading, and also some writing.
I am working on an action scene in ch. 17 of "Guardian," which is going... well, it's going. It's going to need a lot of editing to properly fill in the background chaos, but so far I think the bones of the thing are all right. (And kind of gruesome, but that was intentional. This is meant to be traumatizing to several people for several reasons. *evil smile*)
I'm up to ~2,750 words for the chapter, and I think another 500 words or so should finish this scene off.
And then it's back to Eiji & Co, where I get to figure out if I want to do a certain meeting in real time or whether I want to do it as an after-action report. The first option is probably best from a narrative tension standpoint, even if it's pretty stupid from an operational security standpoint. I can even argue that that's in character, since if operational security were Eiji's main concern, he wouldn't be in his current pickle in the first place. *wry*
Also, I would like to report that I spent about half an hour researching mules and wagons and stuff like that, and will have to go back and do some more research to get some additional terminology straightened out. Is this remotely relevant to the overall plot? No. But I needed to know how many panicky animals I'm dealing with, and also exactly how I have them hitched up to the trade wagons. This is relevant for fight choreography!
ETA 3:45pm
~3,000 words and now I got Yukiko stuck into a single combat I'm not sure how she's supposed to win, given that her skillset lends itself much more to sneaking than open battle.
Well, I mean, there's no reason NOT to make characters be awesome, right? And her taijutsu ought to have improved since "The Way of the Apartment Manager." So I just need to make it cool without being effortless. :)
ETA 4:00pm
Okay, fight scene is DONE in (very) rough draft.
Now I'm going to take a reading break before I rough out the Eiji & Co scene in a little more detail than its current one-sentence summary. *wry*
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