work and school

May 17, 2018 20:15

Work today was like being nibbled to death by ducks. Nothing really huge, just a steady stream of one damn thing after another, and at least a third of them pointless questions that people could have resolved for themselves if they'd bothered to read our website, where we have helpfully posted all the information they called or walked in to ask us about. *headdesk*

The other stuff was valid and therefore much less annoying, but it all eats time, you know? And since it's all scattered things, there's no way to get into a good rhythm on anything because as soon as you start to settle into a groove you're either already finished or you get interrupted by something completely different. *sigh*

Oh well, at least stuff got done?


Now I'm going to walk Dottie, after which I will finish at least two of the four essay questions for my Anthro final exam. (It's a six-question exam, pick four to answer. I have picked my four, I have opened and skimmed over the relevant textbook chapter .pdfs, and now I just need to buckle down and write. Fortunately I've always been good at bullshitting academic prose at a decent clip. *wry*)

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college, grrr argh, work: monopoly houses, how is this my life

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