writing goals for 2018

Jan 10, 2018 15:06

My writing to-do list for 2018 looks roughly as follows:

1. Finish my last prompt meme ficlet from last summer. Possibly also finish "A Question of Familiarity" along with it -- or not, if I can get the prompt ficlet to work without that background.

2. My FTH fic from last year, yikes, I am so overdue...

3. The urban fantasy superhero novella I owe Susan from years ago.

4. The vaguely surrealist kids' fantasy novelette I owe Vicky from years ago. (Unless I wind up writing the first volume of the vaguely Lovecraftian urban fantasy f/f tetralogy I outlined at her and which she expressed enthusiasm for instead. We'll see how that shakes out when I get there.)

5. WIP Big Bang? I have so many languishing fics I want to get off my back, and by late spring/early summer I will probably want a fanfic break from original work.

6. Narnia Fic Exchange. (This is non-negotiable.)

7. Remix if it runs.

8. Yuletide.

9. "Trollstuck: Make Her Pay" -- I am so close to done with that one, and I can't use it for WIP Big Bang because it's already illustrated and I do the (terrible) pictures myself.

10. Two or three chapters of "Guardian" assuming I still have time.

11. Presumably the next round of the Three Sentence Ficathon in December, because that's always a nice palate-cleanser. :)


It's a lot of work, but it's completely doable if I can keep my focus. And on that note, I am absolutely NOT ALLOWED to run mini-ficlet prompt memes in 2018. Shout at me and poke me with sticks if I try to weasel out of that commitment!

(Yes, this looks very similar to last year's goals. Hopefully this year I will not get derailed by depression and general distraction.)

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liz talks about personal stuff, liz is thinky, writing

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