life, or a fairly decent facsimile thereof

Nov 09, 2017 21:45

Stuff, in no particular order:

1. This morning I had another follow-up appointment in re: depression. We agreed to stick with the 30mg Celexa dose for now and see if the gastrointestinal issues shake out. If not, I may drop back to 20mg in January and see if that works as a maintenance dose. I also got some other therapist names/numbers to call and see if they either have availability or can give me other people to call.

I have entered the therapists as contacts in my phone, which reduces the psychic barrier I have to calling them. But I think I won't try calling until next week, since I have a different stressful phone call I need to deal with first.

2. Skills training for Not the IRS is now available, and I attended the required live session this afternoon. I will do the online training over the next week. (It's paid training, because this is all company-internal stuff. Yay money!) There will be another live session toward the end of the month, schedule TBD.

3. I need to email somebody at Not the IRS about potentially taking an exam to move up a certification level. I don't think it should be too hard (I do returns at that level anyway; I just don't get auto-suggested for them by our scheduling program), and it would both make me look more professional AND up my not-actually-a-commission rates.

4. Mom and Dad dropped Dottie off Wednesday evening (we also did dinner) and will pick her up again Sunday afternoon (we will do lunch). She is much less mopey than I expected, at least in the sense that she's willing to leave the house and take lengthy walks, though she has been a bit quivery and anxious to keep close to me.

5. I need to make a phone call about some college stuff and I don't want to, blargh. I will try to fortify myself and get that done on Friday, but if not, Monday shouldn't be too catastrophic. (I need to arrange a three-hour orientation/advising session, which I'd prefer to do in November while I still have a car. Otherwise I'd have to catch a bus to and from Dryden and I really don't want to deal with that.)

6. I have been plowing through some backlogged reading material, which is nice both because I have pulled myself together enough to once again do a thing I enjoy, and because I can then dispose of the magazines and books instead of having them sit around in accusing piles.

7. I raked two bags of leaves today, from the front verge of my house and a bit of my driveway. I have not touched the actual front yard, nor the side verge (ugh), nor the back yard (which has become a complete mess since I raked it two weeks ago). I may rake a bit more on Friday... or not, considering it will be both cold and windy and raking in those conditions sounds like a recipe for frustration and misery.

8. I think I will make a batch of Laddie's hotdish next week. That suddenly sounds very appealing to me.

9. I arranged phone dates with Vicky, Susan, and Cat. :)

10. Saturday is my church's annual service auction. I agreed to work as a checkout cashier, which means I'll punch out of the rental office half an hour early, head home to feed and walk Dottie (and feed myself, of course), and then scramble to get to church before the live bidding starts. I will, as always, attempt not to purchase much (if anything), but if there are concert tickets going cheap, I can't speak for my self-control. *wry*


And now I am going to take Dottie out for her bedtime mini-constitutional, after which she gets her bedtime snack and we'll both hit the sack. I got up at 6:30am and it has been a long day.

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college, depression sucks, adventures in dogsitting, work: not the irs, everyday life, unitarian universalist

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