stuff done: a non-exhaustive list

Oct 27, 2017 20:43

A random assortment of stuff done recently(ish):

1. Raked three bags of leaves in the back yard, and texted Landlord Dude to see if he wanted them to use as mulch/winter insulation for his garden. He does, and will come pick them up sometime this weekend.

(I left the front yard and all the verge alone, for Halloween ambiance reasons. *grin* But our back yard gets rather attenuated sunlight as it is, so I wanted to give the grass a few last weeks to fortify itself for the winter.)

2. Finished my federal tax preparer continuing education requirements. I also got onto a company notification mailing list I'd apparently been left off of, which is good because it contains things like, oh, the mandatory skills training session dates. *headdesk* Fortunately, I will be able to get to that event without much trouble. I'll also start working on my New York CE requirements tomorrow.

3. Harvested two more peppers this evening and made a batch of veggie sidedish.

4. Pinned a pair of pants for hemming. (Ah, the joys of being short...)

5. Vacuumed my apartment.

6. Collected Halloween funds from my housemates (I live in a four-apartment house) and bought a ridiculous amount of Halloween candy. See, I live in the trick-or-treating neighborhood for Ithaca, and we get utterly mobbed every year. I have never yet ended the night with candy left over, though I buy more each year in an effort to satisfy the hordes. Possibly this year will finally be the one I have stocked up enough! (Also I need to collect another $5 from each apartment, since I overran my estimated budget. *sigh*)

7. Tentatively agreed to work an extra shift at the rental office next week, while Mom Boss and Aunt Boss are in Syracuse for a meeting.

8. Plinked tentatively at a few creative endeavors. I have A) given names and jobs to the characters in the urban fantasy/superhero story I'm writing for Susan, B) added a couple hundred words to two longstanding WIPs (one I have never talked about; the other is an Enchanted Forest Chronicles fic I think I've posted excerpts from in the past), C) acquired the canon for my Yuletide fic, and D) prodded an outline for another WIP until it coughed up a few more details.

9. Weeded through my AO3 subscriptions a bit, reducing the "works" section from 25 pages to 23. Some fics I bookmarked (in Chrome for my own reference; I don't bookmark stuff in the Archive itself very often), others I just deleted entirely.

My number one wish for the Archive remains increased functionality for the subscriptions pages, btw. I want to be able to sort stories by fandom! Failing that, I would like the fandoms of each work to even be listed, along with the titles and authors. If freaking can manage that, I think AO3 certainly ought to be able to reproduce that general effect!

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neighbors, writing, work: not the irs, housing, everyday life, work: monopoly houses

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