[Meme] AO3 hit counts

Apr 19, 2017 10:39

It's that time of year again. :)

Here are the results from 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012, for comparison purposes.

I currently have 479 stories posted on AO3, which is 44 more than last year. The 'new' fics are a combination of backdated crossposts and things that were genuinely written within the past year.

Anyway, here are my top ten stories on AO3, by hit count:

1. What Isn't Broken (Can Still Be Fixed) - 20,463 [Naruto, remix]
2. Trollstuck: Make Her Pay - 5,540 [Homestuck, chaptered, WIP]
3. I Must Increase My Bust - 5,104 [Homestuck]
4. With a Vengeance - 4,766 [Naruto]
5. More Sins than Condemnation - 4,522 [Naruto]
6. Four by Four - 4,482 [Homestuck, chaptered, WIP]
7. Of Stone and of Sky - 4,257 [Homestuck, Ladystuck]
8. Dreamers of the Day - 4,140 [Inception]
9. Problems and Solutions (All Things in Time) - 4,116 [Chronicles of Narnia/Stargate: SG-1, remix]
10. The Way of the Apartment Manager - 3,485 [Naruto, chaptered]

This is largely the same as last year, barring a few internal rearrangements and "The Way of the Apartment Manager" kicking "Weregild" off the list. I am pleased that my most popular story on other sites is finally picking up steam over here, too, despite its age and backdating. :)

"What Isn't Broken" continues to absolutely crush everything else I've ever written, at least on this particular site. I am still unsure why, but hey, if people like it I'm not going to complain. *wry* It also drags its two companion ficlets ("With a Vengeance" and "More Sins than Condemnation") up the rankings... at least in terms of hit count. Their kudos count is more variable.

Anyway, moving on!

Here are my top ten stories by number of kudos:

1. What Isn't Broken (Can Still Be Fixed) - 761 [Naruto, remix]
2. Problems and Solutions (All Things in Time) - 383 [Chronicles of Narnia/Stargate: SG-1, remix]
3. Giant Robot Mayhem Doesn't Happen in a Day - 351 [Homestuck, Jadefest]
4. Four by Four - 322 [Homestuck, chaptered, WIP]
5. The Way of the Apartment Manager - 287 [Naruto, chaptered]
6. Ass O'Clock in Dusseldorf - 262 [Homestuck]
7. Definitions of Romance - 260 [Harry Potter]
8. Broken if Revealed - 220 [Daredevil (MCU)]
9. More Sins than Condemnation - 209 [Naruto]
10. Hollywood Shenanigans - 200 [Homestuck]

This is very similar to last year, allowing for a bit of internal reshuffling, except for "Definitions of Romance" which shot up the rankings and kicked "An Intricate Courtship Process" down to #11. I both am and am not surprised by that, since "Definitions of Romance" has been far and away one of my most popular stories on other sites for years... but note the 'years' in that statement; it's an old fic and I backdated it when I posted it to AO3. *shrug*

The bookmark list continues to share a lot of commonalities with the hit and kudos lists (particularly if you go by the top twenty rather than just the top ten), and the comment list continues to be noticeably different from those three, largely thanks to Yuletide and the Narnia Fic Exchange. :)

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fandom, analysis, #11, ao3 statistics, liz is thinky, meme

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