stuff done: Saturday-Sunday

Apr 09, 2017 23:24

1. Cut my fingernails.

2. Got a haircut, yay!

3. Paid my monthly internet bill.

4. Wrote and mailed the final six Stewardship thank-you notes.

5. Facilitated youth group, which basically consisted of an hour talking politics and protest with the only kid who showed up. *shrug* So it goes sometimes.

6. Changed linens.


8. Washed laundry. Dried laundry. Folded laundry. Put (some) laundry away.

9. Repaired a collapsible paper fan with packing tape.

10. Took kitchen compost to the back yard bin.

11. Took recycling bins to the curb for pickup.

12. Made my weekly Facebook update post and spent about half an hour scrolling through what Facebook thinks I should know about my friends. (Seriously, why can they not just give me a straightforward chronological timeline feed? That would be SO MUCH LESS INFURIATING TO NAVIGATE. *headdesk*)

13. Disposed of my very sad Norfolk Pine, which had been dying by inches for several years. *sigh* I will probably end up using the pot for either Castor or HayJay, my two remaining spider plants that need repotting.

14. Worked on a prompt ficlet which I intended to be very short and cute/silly, but which had other ideas and has developed something of an actual (albeit still tiny) plot and now I have to expand the punchline scene to something with actual descriptions and emotional weight and stuff. Nrgh. Oh well, at least I got some words on the page?

15. And in other news -- not really a 'stuff done' entry, since it's not something I did, but it's something of import that I wish to relate to the internet at large -- my church has an official ministerial candidate! She will be coming to Ithaca April 23-30, to preach two sermons and meet with lots of congregational members and committees, after which we will vote on whether to call her as our actual minister. I really hope she's a good fit. *crosses fingers, thinks positive thoughts*

And now to bed. :)

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religious education, everyday life, unitarian universalist

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