snow day

Mar 14, 2017 13:53

I got sent home from work at 1pm, successfully caught a bus down the hill, and walked home the rest of the way. I'm not going to bother shoveling until later -- I already did one round this morning before going in to work, and I am tired.

I think I may take a nap. :)


ETA, 9:30pm

I slept very well, and duly shoveled the sidewalk (both east and north sides of the house) upon getting up. The wind has picked up dramatically, and it's still snowing, but at least I will have less to wade through in the morning.

And speaking of the morning...

Tompkins County closed roads for all non-essential travel at 3pm, and TCAT stopped service for the day around 5:30pm. They have not yet issued statements about their plans for Wednesday.

That means I don't know if I'll be able to get a bus up East Hill tomorrow morning. I really do not want to walk up the hill. That's a pain under the best conditions, and tomorrow it will likely be a nightmare since I'm absolutely sure most of the sidewalks on Buffalo St. won't be shoveled. (College students, you know?)

Unfortunately, as far as I know, the office is currently planning to open at the usual time, which means I will have to be there to open it, so...

I guess I will just have to get up at 6:30am and see whether I will be facing a nightmarish two-mile trek to and then up the hill of doom, or only a three-quarter-mile flat-surface slog to the #10 bus stop (or one mile, if I have to go to Green St. to catch a #30 or #51).

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