pepper update, Friday 3/10/17

Mar 10, 2017 21:36

1) pepper sprouts, Friday, 10 March 2017 (~9:00pm)

As of Friday evening, seventeen of eighteen seeds (all except D3) have sprouted to at least some degree. Also, sprout D1 successfully shed its seed coat and is starting to unfurl its cotyledons. Go sprout go!


2) sprouts A6, B5, and C6
3) sprouts D5, E6, and F5


4) sprouts A4, B3, and C4
5) sprouts E4 and F3


6) sprouts A2, B1, and C2
7) sprouts D1, E2, and F1

I am only covering the sprouts sporadically, in an attempt to combine keeping the tiniest ones warm with not letting the older ones get too waterlogged. (I am not terribly worried about mold this year, since I already dosed the peat cylinders with a bit of anti-fungal spray.) I think by Monday or so I will be able to dispense with the greenhouse lid entirely...

...whereupon I will attempt to repurpose it to cover the squash seeds I'm going to plant in empty applesauce cups. They're bigger than the peat cylinders, but since I only intend to plant twelve seeds, I think they should almost fit. We shall see. :)

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adventures in botany, photographic proof, pepper project: 2017

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