Dec 06, 2006 21:38
So I'm a little worried about next quarter. I know it's early and I at least finish this quarter before worrying about the next one, but I can't help it. I'm planned on taking 3 poli sci and 1 rel. studies. The bright side is that one of the poli scis was supposed to be great, with a brilliant professor.
And it's cancelled.
The prof's sick, and since he's the specialist in African politics they're just going to cancel it.
So now I need another poli sci/ ir class and I know it won't be as good or easy as the African one. Damn.
We had a Christmas party tonight at CA House. We all ate and sat around and sang carols and I got the evil eye from the dear little baby. It was a good community experience. And now I'm back to my own personal hell of finals. I'm burying myself under my mound of work and I'll emerge sometime before Christmas.