...my kingdom for an icecube

Jul 11, 2002 15:12

I got to talking a few nights ago about the heat wave through the country. Here are some facts about my area.

The average temperature for July is usually 23C (about 73F).
It rains often in June/July. One wicked thunderstorm every 2 weeks.
My city is known for it's parks systems, and it's river valley. It is a lush green virtually year round.

Now here are the conditions that we are currently faced with.

The average temperature for both June/July (so far) has been 32C (90F). Currently I'm sweltering at 35C (95F) in my underwear. A staple these days.
There has been .8mm of rain in the past two months. Two tiny showers that lasted about three minutes each.
My lawn is brown. My neighbours had a lush green lawn. Until they saw their water bill. It is now dying as well. Water prices are through the roof, and a major river runs right through my city.
In fact, ALL "lush green parks" in my city are "desert ecosystems" (according to the cabbie that drove me home today, Abdul. I have verified his sources by looking out my window at the park across the street and I'm pretty sure I saw some cacti springing up)
The neighbours no longer turn red when I walk around my backyard in my underwear. They have given up their shorts and tank tops and joined me in my clothing freedom.
I've actually had a friend come over to use my sunroom as a sauna. I was mortified, and then got naked and joined her.
The "dirty thirties" had nothing on us. There was more precipitation then, and the river was almost 3 meters higher than it is currently. I have since coined this year the "unnatural body odour era".
The end of the world is upon us. I know this from reading the Wheel Of Time series. No rain....intense heat....shadowspawn attacking me in my sleep....you name it. Armageddon baby, and we're losing.

That's right. Even die hard golfers are off the fairways, and can you blame them? I'd be splashing in a water trap about now. "Angel chipped into the water again." Bring a snorkel.
My new favorite time killer indoors is Mah Jong. Blair brought me home a computer version so I can go into the basement (remarkably cooler...but with spiders. It's like choosing the lesser of two evils) and play on the laptop.
I am just thankful that I don't live in Toronto. Where not only do they have to deal with the heat, their garbage collectors are on strike. Knock on wood baby.
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