SPN: The Best Things

Aug 09, 2011 23:31

Fandom: Supernatural
Main characters: Sam, Dean, Castiel
Referenced characters: N/a
Pairings: Sam/Dean/Castiel
Contains: Sex
Rating: NC17
Summary: It's almost better like this.
Notes: Written for
feywood as a reward for not falling asleep on me. I promised 'proper porn', this time...

He's tired. They've been hunting most of the day -- damn thing had legs, even if it wasn't very smart -- and Cas has already fucked him once. So he's quieter, now, even with Sam pushing into him, pushing his knees back. He aches, which is okay, even kind of nice, and he stretches lazily into Sam's touch, turns his head for Castiel's kiss. And, you know? He kind of likes this best -- when it's not about a frantic reaching for pleasure, when he can focus on the feeling of Sam inside him, Cas at his side...

Which is not to say that he's not going to come again. He gasps as Sam pushes in deeper, angling his hips for it. His fingers twitch in Castiel's hold, his back curving in a lazy arch. It's just an easy pleasure, washing over him, no hard jagged edges of need. He pulls Sam down to him, fingers of his free hand tangled in his hair, and kisses him: they rarely kiss, and even more rarely like this, but it's okay like this, somehow, guilt and taboo washed away as well. It's kind of even more awesome when Castiel curls up beside him, as exhausted as he is, his lips soft on the mark of his own hand on Dean's shoulder.

He kisses Sam again, lifts his hips into a good hard thrust, his breath stuttering in his throat. Sam grins and wraps a hand around his cock, whispers filthy praise into the skin of his neck, bites down to leave a mark. Dean just lets it all happen, pliant and easy, his orgasm spilling out of him before he's expecting it, a long slow rush of pleasure that fills him right up. He hears Sam gasp, feels his hands tighten on his skin, knows just when to open his eyes to see it, to see Sam being swept up in it too...

Dean wraps his arms around Sam when he's done, coaxes him down on his other side so that he's between them, Cas' cheek stubble-rough against his shoulder and Sam's hair in his mouth when he turns his head to kiss him again.

Yeah, it's good like this.

This was originally posted here, on Dreamwidth. I would prefer people to comment and subscribe to me there, if you already have an account; I'll happily share Dreamwidth invites, if you want to make an account. Comments aren't disabled here on LJ, though.

sam, supernatural, sam/dean/castiel, shortfic, sex, castiel, dean

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