NCIS: If Anything's Ever Easy

Aug 05, 2011 15:21

Fandom: NCIS
Main characters: Tony, Gibbs
Referenced characters: N/a
Pairings: Gibbs/Tony
Contains: AU, genderswitch, sex
Rating: R
Summary: She'll break all her rules for him.
Notes: Sixth in a series of pornlets for
feywood, celebrating our sixth anniversary. The idea is that I've picked an OTP per year, roughly: in the last year, we've played a lot with NCIS. It started out as Gibbs/Tony, and then we did a couple of AUs where Tony was a cisgendered woman. And then she moved in.

Everyone says she's easy, but they have no idea. At least when it comes to Gibbs. She's barely looked at anyone else in weeks: if she did, she'd only think of him, his eyes dark on her when she moves, noting the swing of her hips, the long lines of her legs. She'd never dared to think he was looking at her, before, even though she'd have done pretty much anything for him. Now -- now she knows. So there's no one else, but yeah, she's easy, easy for him. He only has to look at her, jerk his head, and she'll follow -- she'll let him press her back against the wall, kissing her rough and deep, like no one else ever has. She'll let him hitch up her skirt and fuck into her, wherever and whenever he wants, because there's nothing as intoxicating as the fact that he wants her.

The only thing she won't let him do is silence her, even if the way he puts his hand roughly over her mouth is kinda hot. People can just deal with the fact that he nearly always makes her scream.

This was originally posted here, on Dreamwidth. I would prefer people to comment and subscribe to me there, if you already have an account; I'll happily share Dreamwidth invites, if you want to make an account. Comments aren't disabled here on LJ, though.

shortfic, gibbs, ncis, sex, genderswitch, au, gibbs/tony, tony

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