SPN: Triad

May 08, 2010 23:39

Fandom: Supernatural
Main characters: Sam, Dean, Jess
Referenced characters: N/a
Pairings: Sam/Dean/Jess
Contains: AU, sap
Rating: PG
Summary: Lazy mornings in bed. Shamelessly AU with no plot, just "Jess survives". For the
threeweeks_supernatural kink meme.

"We should get up," Sam says, into Jess' hair. Dean's still mostly asleep, twitching occasionally, lost in some kind of dream. Jess is awake, though, and Sam watches her as she runs her fingers through Dean's hair over and over again. He thinks he can see Dean relaxing, falling back into a deeper sleep, and he has to squash the feeling that gives him because it's way too chick flick.

"I know," she says, catching his eyes and grinning up at him. She's not answering what he says, he's pretty sure. She's doing that thing again -- she knows him well enough it's like mind-reading, which is pretty useful when it comes to hunts, these days. "I'm awesome and you're lucky to have me."

"We are," Sam says. He tightens his arm around her.

"We should take a break," she says. "Dean's tired."

"You think?"

Jess gives him a look, affectionate and despairing. "Yeah. He didn't even want to have sex last night. Dean's got to be pretty tired not to want to have sex."

Sam laughs, a rumble that goes right through his body and makes Dean shift, half-waking, his fingers curling into the covers. He tries to hold it back, watches Dean settle again. "Point taken," he says, and Jess grins at him again, alive and perfect, her eyes sparkling. He's so fucking lucky.

She hears the thought, or whatever it is she does. She shakes her head at him, leans up and presses a kiss to his lips. "I'm lucky, too," she says, softly, and Sam holds her tighter. He's so focused on her, on the soft heat of her mouth and the strength of her body against his, that he doesn't notice Dean's movements until Dean's sliding up closer, trapping Sam between himself and Jess.

"Do I get to join the fun?" he asks, and Sam's heart hurts for loving them, even if it's too chick flick to say it aloud.

This was originally posted here, on Dreamwidth.

sam, shortfic, jess, dean, au, three weeks for dreamwidth, sam/dean/jess, sap

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