SPN: All I Have To Give

Feb 05, 2010 00:20

Fandom: Supernatural
Main characters: John, Dean
Referenced characters: N/a
Pairing: John/Dean
Contains: Angst, incest
Rating: PG13
Summary: John always stops to look at Dean. For feywood, for getting up on time.

Dean hums happily when he gets in the shower. John always stops to watch him, and can't help but smile at the sheer delight Dean seems to take in hot water. He'd say Dean purrs, if it weren't for the incongruous images of cats and water. This time John hesitates for more than that, though -- looking at the marks on Dean's body, scars and bruises, the way he moves stiffly to keep from aggravating wounds. He thought he'd given up on feeling guilt, hundreds of times, but moments like this bring it back. Guilt for this whole fucked up life he's dragged Dean into, the way he drags Dean with him into everything, even this sin that is the two of them.

And then Dean turns and smiles a bit and reaches out a hand, and John takes it and follows him in like always, because the look on his face wasn't accusing, wasn't sad. He's happy, and it's a fucked up kind of happiness, but John wants him to have it.

john/dean, supernatural, shortfic, angst, dean, john

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