SPN: Biding Time

Dec 28, 2009 11:18

Fandom: Supernatural
Main characters: Castiel, Uriel
Referenced characters: Anna, Dean
Pairings: Uriel/Castiel
Contains: Elements of dominance/submission
Rating: PG
Summary: Castiel has always been wayward, but he's always been guided back home before now.
Notes: Set in S4, around On The Head Of A Pin.

Castiel has always had his doubts. They have been easy enough to resolve with proper direction, a proper understanding of how to deal with them and the methods that he responds to. Uriel remembers the way Castiel had knelt for Anna. They were in their true forms then, beings of light and energy, and the scene was not anything a human can comprehend -- it is harder to grasp it now, now that Uriel is so used to the way his perceptions are limited by the body he is wearing.

It is somehow sweeter, to have Castiel kneeling for him now, as he knelt for Anna, trapped in these limited skins. It is not Castiel's true face that he sees, but the beauty of that has to shine through. Castiel has always been beautiful. Uriel would have followed him anywhere.

It is sweeter, because when he fists his hand in that messy hair, he feels it -- not just the softness of that body's hair against his fingers, but also the sudden yield in Castiel, the way that translates into his head tipping back, the transformation of his face. It is the sweetest rush.

"You answer to me now," Uriel tells him, lowers his hand to grip the back of Castiel's neck.

"Yes," Castiel says, so beautiful in submission, transcendant. He is glorious.

Dean Winchester is not submissive. Dean Winchester will not do as he is told. His rebellion, his stubbornness, sours everything, drags away the clarity of that moment. But Uriel can keep his temper. Uriel can look at Castiel and Dean Winchester and feel no jealousy, only contempt for Dean, that he will never see Castiel on his knees. He will destroy this human, when he can, when Lucifer has risen and Castiel is at his side (or on his knees) forever.

He can wait.

supernatural, uriel, shortfic, uriel/castiel, castiel

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