SPN: In Which Gender is Problematic

Jul 18, 2009 00:07

Fandom: Supernatural
Main characters: Dean, Castiel, Sam
Referenced characters: Jo
Pairings: Dean/Castiel
Contains: Genderswitch, humour
Rating: PG
Summary: It makes everything different.
Notes: I am not enamoured of how this turned out, but someone told me they'd like to see it, so I'm still posting it. Do not take it too seriously.

"What the -- Castiel?"

Castiel looked blank for a moment. "Do I look that different?"

"You look like a girl," Dean said. It was almost a squeak, except he's too manly to squeak, thank you very much. The term is incredulous, he said it incredulously, and that's all you need to know. "You're -- you are a girl. Or Jimmy is, anyway."

"It does not make that much difference to me which sex my vessel is," Castiel said, with a slight shrug. His clothes looked ridiculous on him, hanging strangely, and his hair was longer, falling into his face. "Jimmy is... not exactly pleased with the transformation. He took care to let me know of that. But it does not matter so very much to me. Angels are, after all, sexless. We do choose our own vessels, but we do not give that much consideration to gender."

Dean could just about make out that Castiel, or Jimmy rather, was not too badly off in the breasts department. The shirt really didn't fit very well, in the chest area.

"That's, uh," he said, and couldn't think of the rest. Sam elbowed him.

"Quit staring," he said, in a whisper, and then looked up at Castiel. "Well, uh, we should probably find a way to put you back the way you were."

"I do not see why," Castiel said. His head was tilted just a bit, in his usual questioning way, his eyes fixed on Dean, as if trying to puzzle out why he was reacting in that way. "God created both males and females in a perfectly adequate fashion. And Jimmy has given me permission to use his body for as long as I wish. It is not his own body, now."

Sam grimaced a little. Dean elbowed him, this time. "This is not the time to argue about Cas being as bad as a demon," he muttered.

"Perhaps you are right," Castiel said, after an uncomfortable pause. "I believe I would be more comfortable in a familiar body, too. This is... undeniably different. I am unused to it. If you believe it is possible to return this body to its original state, I believe I would welcome it."

Sam nodded, then cleared his throat. "In the meantime, maybe some more suitable clothes..."

Dean blinked. "What, like a bra and underwear and -- "

Sam stared at his brother. "Dean. Are you blushing? What exactly are you thinking about?"

"Shut up," Dean said, his cheeks pinker. "It's just a weird thought, okay?"

"I would not object to obtaining some more suitable clothes," Castiel said, as if oblivious.


"You are often distracted, now."

Dean jumps a little, almost spilling his coffee over his hand. He looks up at Castiel's face and tries not to fucking blush at being caught staring at his cleavage. It's not like Castiel really notices that kind of thing anyway. "What?"

"You are often distracted. By me."

Okay, so maybe he wasn't all that oblivious. "It's just weird."

"I am not so different. In fact, I am not changed at all. Only Jimmy's body has changed, and it is only that he now has internal genitalia instead of external."

Dean was trying to have a drink of coffee, but perhaps, after all, it was better in the keyboard than in his mouth. It was boiling hot anyway. He put the cup down, wiped his mouth, and tried harder not to blush. "Look, it's not something we've exactly come across that often, you know? It's hard to get used to."

"Nothing has changed," Castiel said, again, but he sounded almost as if he was trying to convince himself, too.


It wasn't like anything had changed, really. Castiel hadn't changed. He was still the same as ever, only really he was a girl, and sometimes his cleavage did get a bit distracting. Okay, a lot distracting. Sam probably got him a push up bra or something. Dean hadn't dared to go with them, on that particular trip.

Castiel was distracting, but it wasn't much. It was just the change, the difference.

Dean wasn't looking at him in a whole new way.

He wasn't very good at convincing himself of that.


"So, in this body, do you, like, have periods? You know. A proper menstrual cycle? I mean, you don't seem to ever need to eat or go to the toilet or anything like that, so I guess you don't have that many bodily functions. But then, Jimmy was really hungry, when you got pulled back to heaven."

Castiel didn't even look up. Sam rolled his eyes. "Smooth, Dean. Real smooth."

"Look, this is... it's for science, okay? The world needs to know."

"I really don't think the menstrual cycles of possessed genderswitched men are all that important."

Dean huffed. "Yeah, okay, maybe not. But I'm curious. Could he, you know, get pregnant?"

"I am still in this room, Dean," Castiel said. "You need not speak about me as if I wasn't here."

Sam rolled his eyes. "Like I said. Smooth."

"Oh, shut up."


Two months after he got turned into a girl, almost exactly, Castiel turned up again, after an absence of a couple of days, as if nothing had ever changed. His hair was shorter again, though maybe more ruffled than ever. He had stubble again. He was wearing the same old cheap suit, the same trench coat. His tie was even the same slight degree of loosened it had always been.

Dean stared at him. "You're. Uh. Back to normal."

"Yes," Castiel said, as if it was as simple as that. Dean couldn't decide if he felt relieved or not. Everything would go back to normal, right? He'd go back to normal. Stop thinking about Castiel.


"It is... easier, this way," Castiel said. For a moment, he looked as if he might say something else, but then he just stopped. "Have you and Sam made any progress?"

"Maybe a bit. Why was it easier, Cas? Surely it wasn't that bad, being a girl. I don't care what Jo thinks, we're not sexist dicks. Not that sexist, anyway."

He was rambling, and he knew it, and he knew why. It was because precisely nothing had changed. He still wanted to touch Castiel -- run his fingers through his hair -- be close to him --

It was stupid.

"It was not you," Castiel said, and then, clarifying: "Nothing you did."

"What was it, then?"

"It's just easier, this way. There is less opportunity for... inappropriate feelings."

Dean blinked. Looked away. "I -- "

"I was not referring to you. I had... feelings of my own. That were inappropriate."

"Only when you were in a woman's body?" Dean asked, and then felt very, very stupid, and felt his cheeks heat up. He didn't blush that much normally, damn it. It was just Castiel and that stupid gender change -- and the way Castiel had begun to make him feel, because it wasn't about Castiel's vessel at all. It was just easier, when Castiel was a girl, to let himself recognise it.

Castiel looked at him, blinked. "I -- "

Dean didn't actually bother to wait for an answer. He'd never been particularly patient with things like this, and sometimes you got further by taking the initiative and surprising the other than you did by talking it out carefully. That, he always thought, was why Sam didn't get laid half as much as he did.

He kissed Castiel.

"Oh," Castiel said.

"Yes," Dean said, and kissed him again, since there seemed to be no objection.

one-shot, sam, humour, dean, genderswitch, supernatural, dean/castiel, castiel

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