F: At Her Mercy

May 24, 2008 18:32

Fandom: Firefly
Pairing: Simon/Kaylee
Warnings: Bondage, smut
Rating: NC17
Summary: She's tired of him running away from his feelings. For the Firefly kink meme.

"I'm tired of you runnin' away from this," Kaylee whispers, in Simon's ear. "Runnin' away from me, runnin' away from your emotions -- thought we'd come further than this, Simon. So I'm not going to let you."

"I didn't think -- "

"Life's full of surprises," she says, cutting him off, and checking the binding on his arms. Not too tight, not too loose: he won't be escaping any time soon. Good. He don't seem averse to the idea, either: there's a bit of a flush to his cheeks that he only really gets when he's right worked up, and he's half hard already. She's barely even touched him, 'cept to tie him up like this. 'Course, it could be he'd been having interestin' dreams before she woke him up, but she doesn't think so.

"Kaylee -- "

"Ssh," she says, and she rests her hand on his stomach, feeling the tight tenseness of his muscles. "Relax, okay? I've got you."

There's a half a smile on his face. "Want me to keep quiet all through this, then?"

The way he says that, almost seriously, makes her stomach flutter. "Not quiet. Just don't want you arguin'."

"Alright," he says, and it looks as though he is relaxing a bit, tension easing off just a tad -- enough that she knows that the rest is the good kind of tension, the kind she wants him to have. She grins at him.

"I'm actually hopin' you'll be kind of noisy," she says, confidingly, and slides her hand down to brush her fingers over his cock. The slight flush in his face deepens, his cock hardening more under her light touch, and she sees the way he holds back, trying to hang on to his fine control, so he don't push up into her hand. That's okay, for now. It's later she wants him beside himself, after all. Later, when she's had time to really get him that way. She curls her fingers round his cock and gives him a light squeeze.

"Kaylee," he says again, more breathy now, and she leans down to kiss him, because he's too damn tempting a sight not to.

"You want me to get on with it, hm?"

"No," he says, and he doesn't quite meet her eyes now. "I want you to do what you want. Whatever you want."

Her stomach tightens. She squeezes his cock again, admiring the way he still keeps control, all his muscles tight. "Simon... Look at me."

It takes him a moment, like he has to scrape up the courage, but he does. His blue eyes aren't quite calm, but they're warm, wanting, eager. For once she feels that he really does want her -- her, not anyone else. She smiles at him and strokes slowly, making him catch his breath. The little noise he makes is possibly the sexiest thing she's ever heard. The way he bites his lip is another of those really sexy habits of his, too.

"You just relax," she says, softly, squeezing again, keeping her hand moving, drawing little breathy noises out of him. He closes his eyes and now he's pushing up a bit, pushing into her hand. "You know what I'm gonna do, Simon?"

"No," he says, and he wets his lips, like his mouth has gone all dry. His breathing is harsher now, faster. "Tell me."

"I'm going to keep stroking you like this, nice and slow, until you can't stand it anymore," she says, and she's making it up as she goes along, but he shudders a little -- though maybe that's her tiny increase in pace doing that. "And then I'm going to stop. I'm not going to let you come. I'm gonna let you calm down a bit and then I'm going to start again. And I'll stop again. As many times as I think's needed. 'til you're thinkin' only of me. 'til I think you're comin' undone. And then I'll let you come. And then I'll let go of you and you... you can do whatever you want to me. Got any ideas on that front?"

He opens his eyes again, looks up at her with his blue eyes all heated and wanting and just that, just that look in his eyes, makes her stomach flutter madly. "Yes," he says, and gasps as she strokes him harder. "I'm going to..."

"Tell me, Simon," she says, squeezing again, and he gasps again, tilting his head back.

"I'm going to tease you, at first," he whispers, and there's a little shake in his voice like he thinks he can't really be saying this. She strokes him a little more firmly, a little faster, and he gasps. "Until... until you really want it, until you're all wet and really, really wanting..."

She makes a soft noise. She can't help it. Simon Tam, proper and prissy and tight-wound Simon Tam, tied up and at her mercy and sayin' these things? It seems like a dream, like it can't be real.

"And then I'd... use my mouth," he says, looking up at her, and that's surprisin', that he wants to do that, 'cause that's somethin' he ain't even hinted at before. Kaylee takes a deep breath, tries to keep calm -- looks down at his cock in her hand and then back at his face, trying to gauge how close he is. She rubs her thumb over the tip and he takes another deep, hitching breath.

"And then?"

His voice is quieter still, but more intense now, and something in it makes her shudder with want. "I'll make you come like that. I might make you wait a while, like you're planning to do with me."

She don't trust her voice anymore. She strokes him harder a couple more times, until he's really bucking up, and then she takes her hand away. He curses under his breath and pushes up, straining a little, and then lies still, eyes closed, trying to just breathe and calm down.

Beautiful, she thinks. He looks right beautiful like that, chest heaving, face flushed, his arms tied like that. And finally, finally, he really looks like he's hers.

bondage, one-shot, simon/kaylee, firefly, smut

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