GW: And A Gun

Sep 28, 2006 23:01

Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Heero/Wufei
Warnings: Gunplay, smut
Rating: NC17
Summary: Wufei exploited Heero's kink. For fic_on_Demand.

It was, in hindsight, a perfectly logical thing for Heero to want that so much. But Wufei was surprised at the time, anyway -- not surprised enough to keep him from exploiting it, and the thought, even now, makes his insides squirm a little, makes him want to find a quiet place to jerk off as he remembers the way Heero looked, handcuffed to his bed, writhing and eager -- by the end anyway.

It'd been simple to corner Heero, the gun pointed at his head a very good reason for him to at least act acquiescent. Getting him handcuffed to the bed was harder -- Wufei had kissed him, a harsh and sudden kiss designed to take his breath away and leave him dazed. The trouble had been the effect it'd had on him, as well. But he'd got Heero handcuffed in the end, already hard and wanting.

"Didn't think you'd like this, Yuy," he'd said, a touch smug, as he got Heero's shoes off, his socks, his pants -- leaving his shirt on because to get it off, he'd've had to uncuff him.

"I don't," Heero had snapped, despite all evidence to the contrary.

Wufei had kissed him again, then, and he'd kissed back -- nipping hard at Wufei's lip, but not hard enough to be a turn off. When he bit that hard, Wufei had reminded him of the presence of the gun.

He'd squirmed and cursed when Wufei'd started preparing him, fingers driving hard and deep into him, but he'd wanted it -- he'd begged for it, his cheeks flushed hot and his hair disheveled, falling into his eyes messily. He'd kept up a token resistance -- as if he couldn't stand to think that Wufei had one up on him -- but he'd given in, in the end, as Wufei'd known he would.

It'd been hard and fast and hot, and Wufei had no doubt that if Heero hadn't been cuffed, his back and shoulders would've been decorated with scratches, and as it was he suffered a few bite marks. Not that suffer was the word. He hadn't minded.

He wouldn't mind that happening again. He still, after all, had a gun, and handcuffs too strong for Heero to break.

gunplay, shortfic, heero/wufei, gundam wing, smut

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