Fandom: Gundam Wing
Pairing: Zechs/Duo/Quatre
Warnings: Sap
Rating: PG
Summary: Circles and triangles, including and never excluding. For
"Is Quatre here yet?"
Duo looked up to see exactly who he expected to be standing there. He stretched a little and shrugged slightly and grinned a little. "I imagine he's on his way, but I don't keep him on a leash."
Zechs smiled back -- just a little, a tiny playful curve of his lips. He was very much looking forward to having Quatre around again, to being part of three together. It was nice that way, not excluding like a triangle, but a little circle of love and care and respect all shared. It was comfortable. Quatre was nearly always late -- something would always come up at the last minute -- and Duo was never on time, whether he was early or late. And Zechs himself was always on time.
It always went exactly like that.
"Could be interesting," he answered, finally, and Duo smirked and budged up to give him some room on the bench. Their shoulders and knees touched, a comfortable point of contact, a good start.
"Sorry I'm late," Quatre said, breathlessly, when he arrived twenty minutes later. Duo was perfectly patient while he was waiting for something worth waiting for -- but all gains and losses weighed up together it wasn't worth waiting to bounce up and wrap his arms tight around Quatre, squeezing the last of the breath out of him before pulling back a little.
"You're always late," Zechs pointed out, standing up and smiling in some amusement at Duo's enthusiasm. Quatre looked wonderful, even if he wouldn't think so himself, his blond hair a little tousled and his cheeks a little pink from running.
"I'm sorry," he said again, and before Zechs could protest or step back or greet Quatre in a more dignified way, Quatre hugged him tightly and with a mental sigh, Zechs hugged back.
Public displays of affection were not his forte.
Duo hugged him, as well, now Quatre had broken that ice, and then turned to hug Quatre again, tempted to kiss him but holding back for the time being. "So, where are we staying this time, Quatre?"
"I've got it all arranged," Quatre smiled.
And he told them. And they went there. And they were three, including and never excluding, circles and never triangles, strong in their mutual love and affection and respect. Zechs wasn't sure how they'd started the whole thing. But he was very grateful for the fact that stopping seemed as unthinkable to the other two as it was to him.