Why on earth did I have to look in the shippers debate????

Jun 27, 2005 19:58

Yeah, why?

Now I'm entireewly pissed off again, because of that pointless H/Hr and R/Hr debate that never ends.

J.K. please, please, please, end this, and tell us who Hermione gets with in the HBP, please?

I mean it, I really do, JKR better write out cleary who gets Hermione.

I went to see what's goingon in te Puddifoots forum, the shippers debate, and saw the same H/Hr people who got me so pissed off the last time I tried to make peace with them. That was several months ago. Every single time I see the debate, I feel like I'm boiling - people keep throwing the same excerpts and the same clues in, and giving them the H/Hr meaning, which isn't there!! Arg.

Well, I'd be less angry if they at least were polite!!!! Which they aren't. There it is again - taking the opponents' post down, pulling it into excerpts and, yet again, stating the same old points....

I mean, really, people, be nice, darnit.... why do you have to start arguments? WHY?

Must memorize: shipper debate is a big NO-NO to Wavs If any of you sees me there, chun me out, for my own good, or I'll die of heart attack.
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