So this is the best day of my life. haha ....FIFA started. I mean this only comes every 4's VERY important. And to start the events off right Deutschland WON 4-2 against Costa Rica !!
I was very surprised at some of our
players...We have a little mini Phillip
Lehman...who looks like he's 12
but dont underestimate that guy!
He scored the first goal and
throughout the game I started
to remember who he was 4 years ago.
He had just started out and he was
the new favourite but people were
still ift-y on him because of how
new he was...but he has
CERTAINLY proved himself to be
worthy on the team. He was amazing!
I was watching this new goal tender of ours as well...and he isnt such a hot shot...not compared to Kahn. The germans are not that forgiving towards him because he lost us the World Cup last year! That BASTARD!
And he's an arrogant we shall see.
Even though my man wasn't playing today, I can't wait!!
But he was there cheering his team along :) I'll be sad
to see him go because he switched to damn Chelsea! *cries*
Hopefully he plays the next game....anyways looking forward to it.
Today someone actually asked where I got my German jacket...I
told him he'd have to travel a long way to Deutschland himself. Everyone "claims" they sell the Fifa attire yet it's all the other countries expect Germany...what is up with that?
Tomorrow I have to get up for 9 to see England.
Anywho....yesterday was fun...went drinking with Daryl, Ryan, Jamie and Miles...and go into some shit with an indian man who just mind his own business!! grrrr I wasnt even talking about him! But 2 pitchers of beer later I was fine haha.
Interesting ride home as well..."shit we have to take a shuttle??" haha we're too foreign to that Ryan...we don't "do" Scarborough...we'd rather up to North York and around. :P
I like those days where you sit on a patio and go for a drink. Very european like. They don' t have it enough here.
Anyways until next time! ....bye bye amigos