Maccadole's 15 minutes.

Jul 19, 2011 17:53

The title refers to Andy Warhol's famous words that in the future everybody will be famous for 15 minutes. I think he forsaw the advent of YouTube when he came up with that one.
Something like that happened to my good YouTube friend Maccadole (who I'm sure will be the only one reading this. Hi Mac! :) so here's the story how it happened from my perspective coz I had the honor of having a small part in this awesome story. I'm also writing this down for my own future refference so I won't forget the details.
It was 6 days ago, at around 10 or 11 am if memory serves me, that I suddenly got a YouTube message from Rhett and Link. Now I had never heard of them so I thought this was just another youtuber trying to promote his channel. So I was about to delete it when I saw that I was the only recipiant so obviously this was a message directed at me alone. I opened it and here's what I read:


 question from Rhett and Link


This is Rhett from Rhett and Link. This is going to seem a little strange, but let me explain. I'm trying to get in touch with youtuber Maccadole. We are interested in using one of her vlogs in a video, and we can't get in touch with her. In an effort to track her down, I saw that you follow each other on Twitter, which led me to your Youtube channel.

I have no idea if you have her contact info, but if you have anyway of getting in touch with her, please email me at [censored]. I would appreciate the help, because we are trying to use her video this week if possible.



Sent to: ededitz

I thought 'OMG'. Then I clicked on their channel and looked at the number of their subscribers. 700.000 plus and then I thought 'OM frigging G!!!
So I messaged Mac before even replying to their message. It seems I was not the only one who messaged her coz she already had one text from an IRL friend and fellow twitterer. I replied to Rhett saying I passed on the message and that I expected he'd hear from her soon. After a short while I got this email from Rhett:

Rhett & Link aan mij
details weergeven 13 jul.

Thank you so much, Eddy! 
As of 8:30am on the US West coast, I haven't heard from her yet, so I definitely appreciate you trying to reach her.  We'd like to have a quick conversation with her today.  This is going to be a really good thing for her and should bring her more subscribers and views.
Thanks again!

Here's my reply:

Eddy  aan Rhett     details weergeven 13 jul. 
She replied back to me. She's at a friends house and they're going to the premiere of the latest HP movie but she did say she was going online so I'm somewhat surprised you haven't heard from her yet. I got the impression she was thrilled by the idea so I don't think it'll be a problem to use her videos. But she may be busy today so my guess is you'll hear from her within the next 24 hours. It's 17:53 in her timezone (and mine) now so maybe  tomorrow morning at the latest.

I'll text her again right away and get back to you asap.

Anyway, this went to and fro for a while until I finally thought I'd better just call Mac to see what's going on and it became clear that she wasn't able to reply directly to Rhett so I asked Mac's permission to send Rhett her phone number so he could call her directly which of course she gave rightaway.

Here's Rhett's reply after I send an email with Mac's phone number:

Rhett & Link aan mij   details weergeven 13 jul.

thanks!  We got her on the phone, but as we were explaining what we were doing, her phone died (she mentioned it was close to dying).  So, hopefully she'll find a charger and we can get in touch with her. 
Thanks so much for your help!!

Here's my answer:

Eddy aan Rhett   details weergeven 13 jul.

Oh my god, the gods are really against this it seems ^^ I hope so too, she's not at her own home so I do hope she manages to return your call somehow.She said to me she was in a horse stables somewhere.

This getting to be like a real thriller. Will she make it in time.....?
Well, at least she now knows the urgency of the matter so I'm sure she'll do her best.
 You're welcome. Please drop me a line if and when it works out.
I would hate for her to miss this oportunity.


After a short while I got a text message from Mac on my phone saying she had battery power again so I messaged Rhett that he should try phoning back straight away, which he did of course.

Here's Rhett's final message to me after he finally managed to talk to Mac:

Rhett & Link aan mij    details weergeven 13 jul.

I got her!  Thanks so much.  Look for the video tomorrow...should be a good one.  I'll make sure to thank you in the description of the video because you were so helpful.


Isn't that an awesome story??? It was such a cliffhanger for me at the time because I was so afraid she'd somehow miss this oportunity but it worked out well in the end. The next day I kept a close eye on my subscription page on YouTube for when the video was up and in the afternoon it finally popped up. It was pretty awesome! They had made a whole song using bits of footage from her vlog and the lyrics were completely made up from sentences she spoke in the video. I did wonder for a few moments if they ment to take the mickey with her but luckily it wasn't meant like that and most viewers didn't think so either.
As soon as the video was live Mac's subscriptions started going up. It was quite spectacular to watch and I felt sorry for Mac that she couldn't follow this online as they came in. So I texted her from time to time to keep her up with the score.
The comments on the video were mostly positive but of course it got it's share of trolls leaving stupid or even hurtful comments but luckily Mac's not bothered by that. I think it would have affected me more then it seems to have done her, should it have happened to me. I don't take kindly to trolling and a hurtful comment can stick in my mind for quite a while but I think the effect is lessened by the fact that there's so many of them, you just stop taking it seriously I think and anyway, it was balanced out more then evenly by the heartwarming comments of those that did like it. The comments on her channel were almost without exception positive and supportive.
It's now been 6 days and her subs went from 499 before the video to 1108 at this moment and they're still slowly increasing. And they will be for quite a while to come I think. These things do linger on a bit and people start linking to the video and thuss keeping it alive for longer. Yesterday Lisa Marie Presley's daughter Riley Keough tweeted the link to one of Mac's vlogs saying 'at least someone knows how I'm feeling'. I find it totally fascinating to watch how these things echo all over the world and get picked up and passed on. Here's hoping it'll go on for a while.
It would be great Mac, if you could get a partnership deal out of this and could make some money from your videos. I know that's not the purpose of vlogging for you (nor for me come to that) but it would be a cool side effect. I think you could badly do with a new computer so you can finally edit your videos again.

Okay that's it for now.

Here's a link to said video by Rhett and Link (what a name for an online celebrity, Link, haha)

rhettandlink youtube maccadole viral vid

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