I went out on a gps hunt again today only this time it seemed to be hidden in somebodies front garden. I don't feel much for snoopin'around in someone's garden even if it says in the description that "it's okay and the neighbours are informed".
Naah, I gave that one a miss.
I went into town today (groningen) and bought a new chain for my moped because the other was too long and came off twice yesterday. I also bought 2 new shockabsorbers but they turned out to be too long so I have to take those back.
I thought about doing some geocaching in Groningen but it was loaded with people and tourists (one should be allowed to shoot the occasional tourist, especially those that walk super slow and look everywhere but straight ahead. Buggers)
So I gave that a miss too. I'll stick to geocaching in the woods for now. I would like to do it with a few people instead of always on my lonesome. I watched some geocaching videos on youtube and they're actually great fun. Whole families that go out hunting or people that find like 20 a day (I mean, that's to much! Get a life.)
Well, I'll keep you all informed of future ventures.
I actually had a little look for you Mac and there's two geocaches in your direct neighbourhood (well, the forest). Both about a 1.5 kilometer walk. One to the west of you at the Hërtsöträsket, and one to the north of you near some sort of little lake.