University II - This Time It’s Business.

Sep 15, 2006 00:14

Originally published at Edds Place. You can comment here or there.

There’s only one way to say this glorious bit of news…

*** I PASSED!!!! ***

Hell yeah.  Stars and everything.  I still don’t know exactly what marks I got since UEA are dipsticks and haven’t sent our results out yet… but that doesn’t matter!  I passed, i’m back and stronger than ever.  The resits turned out to be a godsend as it gave me that much needed ‘boot up the hiney’, and scared me enough to ensure this sort of thing will never happen again… i’d be utterly stupid to get this close to disaster again.

But that certainly wont happen again this year…. luckily all that hardcore revision for resits re-ignited my… err… fire for work.  Or something.  Poorly executed metaphore aside, this means i’m back to my hardworking, industrious college Edd self
  Computer Science, I am going to kick yo’ ass, and a First shall be mine.  ALL MINE.

Roll on Year 2!!

uni work

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