Mar 15, 2005 13:50
this is so sad, because the world really was almost okay there for a moment. and now i'm noticing that some people can't help but resent you when you seem happy. what a fucking shame. even members of your own family or some of your closer friends might start 'acting different' toward you because they think your life is so beautiful and perfect while their's is still in toilet. in some cases, they'll even do what they can to try and bring you 'back' down. i have no time for this, i really don't.
because the world is on fire, it is more than i can handle, but i do tap into the water and try to bring my share. because the world is worth saving. and there's people behind me that i can help protect from the fire. and, of course, there's people standing RIGHT BESIDE me, bringing their share to try and put out the impossible. but if you look at a little patch that i managed to successfully put out, and it makes you so jealous that you want to drop your water bucket and just JUMP INTO the flames... or maybe drop your bucket and just walk away from the fight... i'm not going to follow you. because i'm too busy fighting alongside the people i want to fight with. the people that look at the world and feel sad because they cannot give MORE than they already have.
i'm sorry if all you can think about is what this world owes YOU. but i wouldn't be much a champ if i turn my back on you people. you know where to find me, where to find us. we're at the battlefront, just trying to bring our share.
[ did you know: sarah's 'angel' was actually inspired by a documentary about a heroin addict? ]