Bitsenpieces XI

Sep 20, 2011 17:43

--> I see that Hard Case Crime, the noir book series reprieved from an early death by Titan Books, will be publishing Blood on the Mink by Robert Silverberg this coming April. It joins a lineup including books by specfic writers Roger Zelazny, Stephen King, and Robert Bloch.

--> Donald Maass, James Scott-Bell, and Christopher Vogler discuss story structure

--> Kiersten White presents tongue-in-cheek 'rules' of various genres.

--> Locus maintains an excellent list of the winners and nominees for a wide range of genre awards. Meanwhile, NESFA has a list of recursive SF (novels, stories, etc about SF) that is only a little out of date.

--> Approved: a tunnel from Russia to Alaska. Currently intended for cargo only. I would so drive it if there were a car lane!

--> Autry's "Bug" is a Ninahagenesque delight.


--> GQ has an article about real life superheroes, including Seattle's Phoenix Jones.

music video, seattle, bitsenpieces, books, writing, transportation, science fiction

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