"I made a list"

Jan 22, 2010 11:02

Obsessive folks can be fun to read, especially if their obsessions are similar to mine. I'm not heavily into Krautrock, but I couldn't have published Matt Howarth's work without being exposed to Conrad Schnitzler, at the very least. If you're into lists, this guy has a pretty good one. 4. Now seems like a good time to remind you of my obsessive nature. When I realized I loved Graham Greene, I decided that I needed to read each and every one of his twenty-eight novels. In a row, in chronological order. (Almost done.) When I realized I loved the Byrds, I decided I needed to buy their albums in chronological order, roughly spacing out each new acquisition to correspond with how much time separated their original releases, so that I would go through the cycle of consuming, digesting, and craving that a Byrds fan in the 1960s/70s would. For God's sakes I keep track of every single album I listen to every single week, and I do this manually-none of this automated last.fm bullshit. And then every three months I look at this list and analyze it statistically. All that is to preface this: I made a list.


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