Project progress

Nov 09, 2010 12:35

I kind of dragged my feet getting started, and it took me longer than expected to track down a brown dry-erase marker, but other than that, I think I'm reasonably well on track. I did underestimate somewhat how long it would take to do the drawings/take the pictures yesterday. I blocked out the whole afternoon, never dreaming I'd need all of it, but it was a good thing I did, because it took all afternoon. I was hoping to record at least some of the audio yesterday also, but I didn't have time. I'm going to try to get that finished tonight.

But I think I have all the pictures I will need, and they're all loaded into the computer. It's probably going to be another long day Wednesday getting the storyboards laid out alongside the soundtracks, even just getting things roughed in. Hopefully from there, though, it will be a relatively simple matter of fine tuning the timing of things.

hu2642, technology

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