I'm doing ok... I'm stressing about school and now have a plan to not have to stress anymore....
I think I need a boyfriend/girlfriend... cuz I REALLY wanna snuggle...
and Sakura con's coming up... so I wrote up a list of things ill needa buy soon.
$120/ week <=== my paycheck
Seigaku Jersey - $90
Con Reg - $45
Hair Cut - $20
Hotel Room - $125
Approximate Total - $280
Going to Seattle for the Best 3 Days of Your Life - priceless
Approximate Total Paycheck - $360
Spending Money at Con - $80
*forgot about hair dye*
Sooo... Due to my poor money managing skills... i had to overages on my card. Each will be charged $34 so i now owe the bank apprximately $69 (the item overeaged is added to the total)
This causes a few major dilemas for me because, once deducted from this weeks pay check, ill have about $69 left. Thats not even enough to buy the Seigaku jersey.... therefore. My hopes of having a Seigaku jersey by sakuracon have now failed. v____v
Eiji, my lovely friend is going to lend me hers *glomps Eiji MANY times* which means that all ill needa pay for is my hair cut and hair dye. I think ill make new totals later.. ^_____^ Love ya tons Eiji!!!!
ttyl minna, gotta go to class and salvage what little grades i have left.