Sep 09, 2006 09:53
I'm neither religous nor overly spiritual. Howeveer, I've always tried to be as good and as moral as possible. I'm no where near perfect. I have a bundle of regrets and mistakes I've made to look back on. That's why I guess it upsets me so when, as if things I have done aren't enough, things I didn't do rear their ugly head.
I recently reconnected with someone from my past. Someone I've always held in high regard despite having known them at a time where other events & feeling may have influenced (rightly or wrongly) the type of person I was around them. That I can concede. However, as if that were not enough, I come to find that this person had been told many things I had supposedly said that hurt them very much. The things that were said don't even remotely sound like something I have every said except in making fun of someone who might say them. The comments were bold faced lies, to put it plainly. However, I can't blame this person if they have trouble not holding it against me. After so many years of believing it to be true, combined with the mistakes I actually did make. I apologized whole-heartedly even for that which I didn't say, someone should. I wish there were more I could do.
It does beg the question why do people lie, spread rumours, & repeat things for which they have no foundation. In this case I am aware that the person probably had very selfish motives. There were various issues present including revenge, jealousy, & to be frank, a bit of unwellness on that person's part. However, the reasons for such actions aren't always so clear cut.
in my life