Title: Each Other's Destiny
Fandom: RPF
Characters: Rob Pattinson/Katie Leung
Rating: G/PG
Word Count: 694
Note: I like to make this one's subtitle, "Or, Rob Method-Acts As Edward Cullen" simply for the cheeeeese. Yeah.
"We rarely discover our true destiny, and feel that God has been unjust to us. When the moment finally comes, and something happens that reveal to us the reason we were born, we think it's too late to change our life and continue to suffer, and, like the desert, blame ourselves for the time we have wasted." - Paulo Coelho
"Do you believe that each of us has a destiny? A reason we were born?"
Katie shakes her head, blinking at him as they both contemplate the question and the endless possibilities of answers. "Do you?"
He shrugs, not daring to commit himself to either yes or no. Maybe the question isn't really so black and white. Life is full of wavering moments and perhaps this is one of them. And yet, Rob has never felt himself thinking so clearly than when he is with her.
He has never thought he would be capable of philosophising, either.
"I didn't, at first. Sure, I think I was meant to be an actor and nothing else, if only because it was the one thing in which I didn't fail disastrously," he laughs. After all, he isn't one to take something completely and absolutely seriously. "But maybe there really is a reason for each of us to be alive, something bigger than an occupation or the things we do in life. Something that allows us to fit with other people, like a jigsaw puzzle, rather than something that is selfish and all 'me me me'."
She crosses her legs and sits on the bed in an Indian position as she listens. Her hands take hold of his and their fingers interlock. Tangled. Like the pieces of this puzzle; there can be no other piece.
Her head tilts slightly to the side, as if trying to read his mind. She used to think he is an open book, and thinks herself clever when she can complete his thoughts before he could even process them himself. Conversations like this take her by surprise, and all she could do is to listen with interest.
"So you do think we all have one? Something that is bigger than ourselves and our personal goals?"
He nods, a small nod, but there is no uncertainty about it. His soft smile, almost a smirk, lightens the tone of their conversation, yet somehow leaves the sincerity intact. "Yeah, I do. And I think I know what mine is."
She grins, entertaining his idea but not at all patronising. "Oh yeah? What is it?"
He looks down at their hands for a split second and brushes his lips to her forehead. "You're going to laugh."
"I won't laugh, I promise!" She struggles to appear serious, but her natural smile just could not be wiped off her face.
"Alright, since you promised," he starts, the teasing tone gone in a moment as he reverts back to that rare solemnity. "I think I was put on this earth to love you."
The only thing she could do as she recovers from the explanation is to stare, her mouth slightly gaping. What could one say to something like that, really?
"You look so shocked," he continues, more than amused. She nods silently, still trying to contemplate how she could be the reason that is bigger than themselves. "And I know the reason why you were born, too."
She smiles, knowing the exact answer. "To love you."
Her cleverness isn't quite enough this time.
He shakes his head, the back of his free hand brushing against her cheek. "You exist so I can learn to love someone more than my own life."
She frowns, thinking this is all rubbish, even knowing he means every word with all his heart. "Well, that's very selfish of us, don't you think? We both end up getting something out of it."
"But we would only get something out of this if we're lucky enough to have met each other," he explains, thinking it makes perfect sense.
"So I suppose we're just incredibly lucky?" she asks in her own brand of innocence, already knowing the answer.
"I know I am," he pauses, kissing the corner of her lips. "I don't know about you, though, being stuck with me and everything."
Her head rests behind his neck, pulling him in closer, needing him more than ever. "According to your reasoning, I should be even luckier than you." She kneels on the bed, towering slightly over him as she lowers her lips on his. "And I am."
Title: The Big Tummy, Number 1
Fandom: RPF
Characters: Rob Pattinson/Katie Leung
Rating: G/PG
Word Count: 315
Note: This will be a series of vignettes that is set in
this universe as Katie is pregnant with Claire. They won't necessarily be in chronological order as I'm just writing whatever comes to mind.
"Do you know that there are tribes in Africa where women start to have babies since fifteen or sixteen or seventeen and don't stop until... they couldn't anymore?"
Rob looks up at her, his chin still resting on her stomach, as Katie reads the article. She peers at him from her magazine, her eyes a mixture of incredibility and admiration.
"No, I didn't know that, actually. They must have, what, twenty babies per woman, then?"
She nearly chokes on her water as she listens to his assessment. Her hand brushes along the widest part of her tummy, now clearly bumpy with her pregnancy almost reaching six months.
"Can you imagine how much that must hurt? They don't use anaesthetics, you know," she asks, adding in complete innocence, "or maybe they'll be too stretched out... down there for them to feel anything once they've had the sixth or seventh baby."
Now it is his turn to almost die of asphyxiation, blinking back the sense of horror as he imagines his wife being "stretched out... down there."
"Maybe we should just have three kids instead of, er, thirty," he murmurs, kissing the top of her bump.
"I told you I'm not a birthing machine, Pattinson," she replies, laughing quietly. "Maybe you should've found yourself one of these tribal women."
"I wonder how many men there must be, or... if it's only one man for several women."
She shrugs, trying to push aside the thought of possible and likely polygamy. "I dunno, but apparently, they give birth standing up sometimes."
His brows furrow as he considers the possibility. "So, we've basically wasted all those money on Lamaze lessons for nothing."
His head remains on her stomach as she pulls him up, her lips meeting his. She giggles as his breath tickles her skin, not unlike the rhythmic exercises that she can now throw out the window. "Basically, yes."