Minneapolis-bound I am! (In 2010, of course...)

Apr 23, 2006 20:20

Yep. Once I'm finished with four years of Arizona State University, I'm moving out of Phoenix and to Minneapolis. It's just that I feel somewhat at home in the Twin Cities, and I feel there's a future for engineering there. (Sure, there's one here in Phoenix, but I'm growing sick of the Valley of the Sun.)

With that, here are some links to get you in a Minneapolis frame of mind:
Wikipedia entry on Minneapolis: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minneapolis
Minnesota Public Radio: http://minnesota.publicradio.org/
KSJN-FM 99.5MHz (MPR Classical): http://minnesota.publicradio.org/tools/play/streams/classical.asx
Central Lutheran Church: http://www.centralmpls.org/
The Star Tribune (local newspaper): http://www.startribune.com/

And finally, a picture of Minneapolis. Its tallest building, the IDS Center, is 776 feet tall. Next is 225 South Sixth Street, measuring in at 775 feet. Finally is the Wells Fargo Center, measuring in at a (short) 774 feet.

(In the picture, the IDS Center is the tall building on the left; to its right is the Wells Fargo Center. The tall building on the right is 225 South Sixth Street. The freeway is the I-35W and the MN-65.)

EJ (eddiejensen)

the journey, minneapolis

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