Apr 15, 2005 15:47
my bio midterm was horrible and outragiously hard....i wouldn't be suprised if i failed it....whenever i get my grade for that midterm i am going to need a big hug
my teacher posted this:
" We've graded the scantrons for the first midterm exam. The results were about as I expected for this test. The mean was about 16.5 points out of 34, or just a little under 50%.
One student got 33 of 34 points, which is outstanding. My record of never having a perfect score on an exam still stands..... but barely.
Please note: we won't be posting the results on iLearn, at least not for a while. Instead, you'll get your exam booklet back with your grade written on it. We keep the scantrons for our records. "
i really don't feel good about this exam.