Jan 17, 2006 20:56
As a Lions fan, I feel the same way about the Matt Millen presidency as I have about the George W. Bush presidency.
They both started roughly 5 years ago. Both had no experience dealing with the scope of the operation they were taking on. Both had the same condescending, “I’m in the club and you’re not” attitude to the press. I did, however, give both the benefit of the doubt with the express thought that there were enough levels of bureaucracy in place to keep them from screwing up too bad. I was wrong.
Unfortunately, I have watched both flounder. As with Bush, Millen’s decisions have proven to be short-sighted measures that do not adhere to a clear strategy and must be sold to the public by distorting the facts. As both have said, “We are making progress”. And while both were ushered in for an ‘era of personal responsibility’, both have denied any ownership of their poorly planned experiments.
In this case, I am referring to the hiring and firing of Marty Morningweg and Steve Marriuchi. Though, both are yet to receive the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
So when the word broke today that Jim Haslett is the number one candidate to coach the lions next season, I felt sad and helpless. Watching Haslett’s team (and the lions) underachieve with dumb penalties and inconsistent play over the last 5 years has made me wonder on several occasions why he still has a job. Now, with Dontee’ Williams and Aaron Harrington in Detroit, any fool can see he is obviously the worst possible candidate for the coaching job.
So, I decree it now for posterity: If the lions hire Jim Haslett as their next coach I quit. I’ll move to France (whoops, wrong guy). I’ll become a bears fan. I’ll stop rooting for, or watching the lions completely.
Neither of my parents watch the lions anymore. I didn’t understand when I was young, and I didn’t understand last year. Prior to this season, I even argued with them about supporting the team. My fathers simple explanation: “You’ll just be disappointed”.
So am I allowed to do this? Do I have to stick by my team when they systematically make stupid decisions and drive Barry Sanders, the greatest football player ever, into retirement?
I’m not sure. I can take a lot, but I can’t take Jim Haslett.