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Jan 26, 2006 23:52

So the band thing didn't work out. The other members decided they wanted someone more local. I really can't blame them, but I'm a bit disappointed.

However, the wrestling front is looking much more promising. We went to see one of the shows this guy I've been talking to ran, and even though it was incredibly small(18 people in the audience, including me and David, no joke), it was still more entertaining than watching the TV show abortion known as Smackdown. My calf sleeve and boots should be here within the next month and a half or so, and I can't wait to get them. David and I told Brodie the story of how we split with Chris Hamrick, and he really didn't care that there may be hard feelings there. We're planning on going there again Sunday to try out the training. David is also talking to his first trainer, Chad Colt, to see if we can use his ring for extra practice and maybe work in his promotion.

In case you don't know the story with Hamrick(which most of you probably don't), I'll go ahead and tell you here. We started training with him in Forest City, NC. He told us before we signed one-year contracts that if we ever wanted out, just tell him, and he'd let us out. We trained for around a month and learned mostly the basics. However, the environment there was like hanging out with a bunch of frat boys. I honestly don't care to hear how Chris met Kristi Myst and fucked her "all night," and I definitely don't care about the other guys' sexual encounters. I was paying $35/week to be trained to wrestle, not spend an hour of my time sitting in a room listening to a bunch of guys talk about retarded stuff like that. Additionally, I worked for the Democratic Party at the time as a canvasser. This meant I would go door-to-door and more or less harass people, so I was walking about 2-3 miles per day at least. Eight months prior to all this, I developed a problem in my right calf(hence the support sleeve). Recently I saw a doctor, who told me it was the muscle cramping up a lot. My leg was bothering me a lot, and school was going to start soon at the time, David had a job and was going to school too, so we decided we couldn't do it anymore. We told Chris, and at first he was cool with it, but then he completely flipped out on us and threatened to sue us for the rest of the money we owed him for the year of training(which worked out to over $1000 each). David couldn't hope to do that, and Hamrick talked him into continuing. I couldn't do it, so Hamrick told me if I paid him $900 by the time he got back from China, we'd be cool(that was about a 2 month deadline on 900 bucks, for a 17 year old).

So basically, we're two kids backed into a wall. Hamrick is telling us his cousin or something is a lawyer and said all of his contracts were legit, and we have no idea what to do. Later that night, David calls me and tells me he talked to his aunt(who is a city official for Chesnee, I think), who happened to have a favor owed her by a lawyer friend of hers. David then told me this lawyer told his aunt that Hamrick didn't have a case at all for various legal reasons I won't get into here, and if he sued us, this lawyer would defend us and counter-sue for every dime we paid Hamrick(which we never asked for back, in fact I paid for about a month of training in advance that I didn't go to, and I didn't ask for it back out of respect and gratitude to him). David told this to Hamrick, and that's the last we heard from him. He never even called our lawyer.

So yeah, that's the wonderful story.

<3 Eddie
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