Aug 02, 2008 19:54
howdy howdy
it's been a while
and here i am...a month left til school starts..well..a little less than a month
my parents are in mexico..they left today
so i thought i'd try to at least update this daily
so let's start with my today day today day started last night
i was picked up to spent the night at marvin/ari's house
they have a cat..they named him Elvis
it generally just plops there
i played some metal gear solid 4..i'm not a metal gear solid fan did not go well for me
and so i gave up
and went to sleep
next day..wake up, and get ready to go to the dunes
and the next day was, of course, today
on the way to the dunes there were laughs and the such
zuly was listening to the gathering on her iPod..i could hear it
so we got there, and headed up the tall and sandy dunes
they were both tall and sandy as my above description indicates
it was a little tiring getting up there, but we did..that rocked
and we made it down to the lake/beach area, but sadly we were not allowed to swim
crazy waves and the such
it was CRAZY
so we chilled there for a bit
ari and i got owned by some waves on the shore
and then we left to go eat
zuly and i frisbee-ed it up til food was ready
and afterwards, ari and i picture-whored it up..aka took lots of pictures
then french strawberry and i did some more frisbee-ing
then they went back to the beach
and i stayed back and played card games with my aunt and uncle
then, it was time to go seems like a short amount of time we were there, but we were there for a few hours and it was good times
so then we came back
i was half-asleep the whole time
like..i was in dream-land but i was very aware of EVERYTHING that was going on
and then we got back to the house..and i was groggy all stupid
then zuly dropped me off at home, and i showered, and now i'm here
i'm intense that way check on my grape kool-aid..cus..i'm thirsty and it's grape and yummy
the kool-aid is both grape and yummy as my above description indicates =P
peace out peeps!