Once again, I'm not an American but I'm going to chime in on American politics. Now, can someone explain to me exactly why the slogan featured on the t-shirt to the left of this is causing such a fuss? In a world where we have wars, terrorism, outbreaks of new diseases, and massive prejudices, why in the hell are people bothered about a "political" slogan on a sodding t-shirt? Surely we are way beyond this kind of crap. Now, I normally wouldn't comment on this kind of thing if it was just a few crazies bitching about it, seeing as that's normal. You get the crazies bitching about everything. The part that actually bothers me is that Urban Outfitters (the place selling it) has actually pulled it from their stores. Now, let's try and work this one out. This has to be the net result of one of either two scenarios:
1) A few people have kicked up a large enough fuss to cause UO to pull it.
2) A large number of people have kicked up a large enough fuss to cause UO to pull it.
Now, I'm not actually sure which of those is actually worse. I think the first one is slightly more absurd, but it really isn't by much. No group of people should be able to dictate something like this. If it's the second one, then why are such a large number of people pissed off over this? I mean it's a bloody t-shirt. Deal with it. Before anyone says anything, I realise the irony in all of this considering I'm contributing to the fuss over it.
Whether it's a small number or a large number, I still don't really see a problem. First of all, can anyone honestly tell me that wearing or seeing this shirt would cause someone not to vote? If that is indeed true, that raises much bigger issues about a society that is influenced by a single t-shirt. Secondly, statistically, old people vote a three to one ratio against younger people, so the t-shirt is just making a statement of fact. Thirdly, if you do happen to disagree with the statement itself (I strongly do myself), just don't buy the bloody thing and ignore it. Christ, if I demanded every single shirt that had a slogan I disagreed with pulled from the shelves there would be a hell of a lot of naked people running around.
Seriously, humanity in general completely amazes me in its stupidity. I really try to not feel superior to the "average person", but with shit like this and god knows what else in the world, it's pretty hard to not look down on people.