begin: Seminary, year 2 of 3

Sep 11, 2009 17:24

It's been quite the long and busy summer, taking three classes pretty much back to back from mid-May through early August. But I expanded and concluded the Greek language & translation/exegesis curriculum, so now I can focus on Hebrew this year without having to do both simultaneously. It was a difficult road, but with an A in my first exegesis class, and more confident memories of the second (and therefore, probably got the same grade), it was totally worthwhile. Getting ahead in the program also allows me to sneak in another elective here and there. Medieval Spirituality will be my elective this Fall, and I've got maybe three ideas lined up for the Spring, which is certainly overkill.

Definitely had a good time with Becca this summer; I think we hung out more than the previous. Or at least it seemed like it, because she had a regular work schedule with only minor fluctuations throughout, so we could plan ahead when to hang out. And we grew closer together too, I daresay. We didn't do everything we planned and hope to do together such as hiking in NH, but got some time well spent. June 2010 is too far away, I've been getting condolences from a number of guys here at the Seminary I've met recently.

Moving in was quick and easy, Jeff (my roommate) has been around, it's been cool. I started Hebrew class today and we went through the alphabet from right to left, and our homework is, predictably, to memorize it for Wednesday. Wednesday/Friday 10:45am class FTW! So I've got four classes lined up: Hebrew 1, Medieval Spirituality, Educational Ministry, and Systematic Theology 3. That last class will be awesome, though probably hard. The professor is awesome; he's really big on the Church identity as the worshiping community, therefore emphasizing that good worship leads to good theology (and vice versa). Certainly a unique way of looking at things compared to what I usually hear among us protestants, where we try to use theology and biblical studies to 'produce better worship.' I can still hear Fr. Doug from Newman Center explaining the follies of artificial liturgy, and how worship ought to be naturally and organically grown through Biblical tradition :-)

Should be a good year ahead. I'm teaching a sunday school class back at Trinity Church in Bolton, learning a bunch o' stuff here at Gordon-Conwell, and keeping in touch with my beautiful bride-to-be. Gotta learn to be content with what I have - then I'll appreciate getting married and starting a career all the more when those finally happen.

I should post in this more often, since I enjoy keeping up with Becky & Erin & Katie & Mr. Mike & a few other folks' LJs. Seems a little rude to be a total lurker. And hey, I should be seeing some of you folks soon!
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