HAHAHAHA have i got a story for you. Call it the END OF PD.
Anyways, we got abunch of wandering players who actually knew what they were doing, So Tai intergrates them, and forces PD to HNM, which is all good and dandy. so PD goes HNM again!
what really happened is Tai got LDS to run PD the way SHE wanted, and eventually it wasnt how Tai wanted it to go. Tai tries to take the power back and in the mother of all wrong moves he sack Spaghettios, someone with absolutely no clout, idea, clue, sense of urgency in anything that is LS related. along the way, various oldschool PDers get the boot for god knows what, gone are Dee, Mush, Truff is given the boot, Rhyse leaves with him and quits (sent me a Gigants Mantle, sweet ass~) Dont know who boots who, alot of people dont want to go into HNMing and the issue is compounded by Tai breaking the LS AGAIN! and recreating.
Im all down with a singlular goal, but you dont go about it by killing the #1 hang out on the Server~!? we had people from every single HNM shell on there just to hang or get away. If you wanted to go HNM, do it on another shell. just my thoughts on it.
ANYWAYS, it all comes to a head on some lazy Glacier Dynamis run, where PLD pants drop and LDS tells Tai to lot them.... ONLY FOR RHYSE TO NINJA LOT THEM~ bwahahaha halarious. Shit hits the fan, (well not really) Taimoor gets all Emo and decides to kill himself, but thinks better and just decides to quit. He sells all his shit, whatever, LDS and some others make a new shell. Called Assorted Nuts. And then Tai sticks his nose in it again! even has someone "spying" in the new LS, which turned out to be Imoen, and goes ballistic because people are talking "behind his back"
... does it even matter at this point?
nope, so in the end Tai gets sold off somewhere, have fun Gilselling Taimoor!
Imoen is quitting, going off to play WOW, along with Spag, and who knows maybe Rhyse will get on cause of Jimbo. I see Dee around on Galeal every now and then, I hope R0 takes him in, cause bullshit was said that lead to him getting blackballed from well, anywhere Tai and LDS were. Theres people that still run around going wtf happened, so to summarize:
PD was fine and dandy
Then Taimoor went crazy
So PD died.
In the end, I guess its for the best. Tai really needs to get his life in order. Funny thing is I dont even bare any ill will, Things just happen, places you love get torn down. but memories remain. Spun and everyone quit. Mush quit, Ryane and Em got married and went somewhere else, (or never came back) and the world is fine.
Im in a new crew called Lemondrops, run by a bunch of Galka loving tarus and as such, I fit in like a charm, Im flavor of the week, cock of the walk, the king of swing. I offend some people but on the other hand, they dont get a stick up their ass about everything like PD did. Im kinda happy, talk to whoever comes my way. Working on Corsair....
Sure i lost all my friends, but maybe i gained my soul in the process. and made a mess of newer friends. and maybe i didnt loss the old ones as much as they moved on. and if they move on then maybe someday i must move on too. But not anytime soon...
Im having fun again, and only god knows where that will lead....