note: If you are reading my journal backwards cronologically, the next several posts 'backward' will seem disjointed so I suggest you skip back to
this post (click here) to where I started posting about my '04 autumn east coast photo expedition.
I woke predawn to the soft sound of "rain turning to showers" mmmm and knew I wouldn't see the sun for a while... I still had about 170 miles to go and new windshield wipers...
Californians fleeing the wet gloom
The Hood Canal at Seabeck... five miles to go...
Big Beef Creek... a mile from home... just up that hill...
Home again Home again jiggity jig... thank you Lord for another safe return home... and thank you my LJ friends for going along with me.
Nika Trail
no photo because I was too excited when I got home to make a photo...
home to my Cookie.
Hoodoo, Quinault, and Quilcene were glad to see me too... I had treats...
ps my next project is a list too long to think about right now...