Don't it piss you off when....

Apr 04, 2012 08:22've paid out in excess of $3,000 for a cat run and then you find Iain is outside in the driveway?
Arthur reckons it was because he forgot to clip the mesh onto the hooks on the side gate when he put the bins out. But Iain isn't that skinny, and he managed to get out again during the night. David found him outside the laundry door.
So on investigation I discover two breaches, one behind the bins and the other behind the barbecue. Either the rains have washed away the soil from next door's side of the fence, causing our pavers to collapse, or else their dogs have been digging - still causing our pavers to collapse. David and I both think the later. So it's not as if I can ring Catmax and complain as it is hardly their fault.
David has filled the holes with bricks, so I hope that works. The three gingers were in when I got up this morning, so I'm hoping they came in via the al fresco.
What is of great concern is that if the dog can burrow under the fence into our cat run during the night, where have our cats got to go to escape?

Started re-reading The Citidel yesterday. Well actually I started re-reading it on the bus last Thursday, but got distracted.

Up to song # 1812. Re-run Matinee, by More Than A Song.
Finally heard Gold yesterday, and Room Service this morning. Still hanging out for Joy Mining. Also The Shadow Of Your Smile, by Morgana King.

Bruce from church, who has taken over the newsletter from Joyce, wants us all to submit Parish Profiles. 100 word paragraph about ourselves. Personally I think he should just go interview everyone. That way he'll get what he wants.

David is giving Plasma tonight so it will be something easy for Art and me. (Read: EGGS.)

I think I have found a soulmate on fb. Jody.

Must play back Law & Order UK. Arthur switched on the coffee machine at a crucial point in the plot. Noisy gadget. But that's why I record it - to allow for contingencies such as that, and me dozing off.
Not that I'm doing much sleeping. This non drinking is doing horrible things to me.

So on that subject, got another on-line survey last night.
Still on the subject of alcohol. Wanted to know my impressions of guys I meet in bars, based on what they drink, or offer to buy me.
The lack of screening questions, beyond Do I have a boyfriend or partner? have probably left them with the impression I pick up men, though. What, at my age?
No, I've got my regular drinking buddy, but he is neither a love interest, nor a pickup.

Couldn't get on-line last night - or STAY  on, at least. Modem kept dropping out.
Thought it might have had something to do with the land-line problem we had earlier.
Just checked, and it seems it's out again. Over to you, Arthur.

annoyances, survey, new new cats

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