Sometimes you wonder if it is worth it.....

Mar 24, 2012 08:26

You'd think after all the walking I've done lately, and all the calories I've not had by not drinking alcohol, I'd be showing a little difference by now?
I know walking is not aerobic so isn't any good as a weight-loss exercise, but surely it's better than sitting on my arse all day?

Strolled to the mall yesterday as I needed to withdraw money. Then went to Big W. Bugger all there though. They cater for the very small, then jump to very large sizes. Hey, what about us average tubbies?
There was one dress in size 16 that didn't pre-suppose that all women of that width are necessary 6' tall at least. However it was almost split to the waist Well on me, it was. I've worn cross-over necklines before, but this was ridiculous.
Stopped off at the chemist for eye-drops before coming home. Eyes are getting very dry and itchy lately.

Don't know what's up with JMM these days. Their interpretation of salvation only works if you do away with John 3:16.
And on the subject of theology, the book I'm currently reading agrees with Homer - that Isaac Newton was anti-Trinitarian.

We've worked out what we're doing about Arthur's Birthday lunch. The Brook has sent him a freebie (that's 2 years in a row. David and I both joined their Birthday Club as well, yet we haven't heard from them since.) So we're going there next Saturday.
So morning tea with the bikers is back on for tomorrow.

Oh well, hair to wash.

weight, shopping

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