And now... Edah's going to write something, yes she is. Something about Harry Potter. She’s trying and--- something tells her this is going to be long... BUT YOU CAN´T SAY SHE DIDN´T TRY.
WARNINGS: Misspellings. Frightenly stupid gushing and circuitous rambling.
Musing on Harry/Ginny
(And practically murdering all the significant het pairings in the process)
Let’s see. When I read the first four books three years ago I didn’t really thought of Harry being involved with somebody in a romantic relationship, and yes, I know I read them in a week and that makes more obvious why I didn’t but, seriously, even while reading GoF, I didn’t really see something through the obvious Harry/Cho. I don’t know why, maybe because HP is fantasy/action, not romance; maybe because Rowling sucks at it.
If you still don’t know (but I doubt it), I fell in love with Draco since the first paragraph about him and I liked him even more with the "he didn’t blush" part. I have to admit I’m overprotective and elitist about Draco. I can’t help it. When I heard about the Draco/Hermione and Draco/Ginny I thought it was really stupid because he’s The Draco Malfoy, he can’t end with girls like them, and if you want me to explain it in an objective way, it’s OOC. Period.
No, not period. Can you actually imagine Draco - Canon!Draco - being nice to Hermione or Ginny?
Yes, I thought so, and I’m not even talking about a romantic situation. Part of the Draco Malfoy concept is the whole mugglelovers(Weasleys)/muggleborns/muggle discrimination/hatred and for the G-Hr/D stories to exist the writers have to change that, unless there’s angst, but that’s against the pairings purpose. Besides, we have to consider the interaction, how many words Ginny and Draco have exchanged in the books? Exactly, almost none. And while is truth that Hermione and Draco have interacted more, they only say insults and they don’t even "know" each other: Draco hates her for being a know-it-all muggleborn and Hermione hates him for the way he traits her. They don’t hate each other but the idea they have of what they are. And it’s not only that, if we use Ginny’s and Hermione’s POV, it remains being OOC.
Most of the people who follow these ships don’t care about the characters themselves, they just like their fanon!Draco and OOC!Hermione-Ginny, so they make a pairing of them. Those stories are the kind of Maybe-You-re-A-Muggleborn/Mugglelover-But-You´re-Hot or I´m-So-Cool-I-Don´t-Care-If-You´re-A-Muggleborn/Mugglelover stories, and it’s amazing, really, how every single story has the same concept about it, and it doesn’t matter the lack or existence of indifference, respect, love, obsession, hate, blablah, it’s the same.
There are those who say Draco would be good with anybody. Well, yes, Draco would still be gorgeous in a pink dress, but Draco Malfoy would never wear one. The same goes for Hermione and Ginny.
Draco/Pansy is different, I agree with Draco/Pansy.
”(...) and Malfoy, sniggering, lay back down across two seats with his head in Pansy Parkinson’s lap. Harry lay curled uncomfortably under the cloak to ensure that every inch of him remained hidden, and watched Pansy stroke the sleek blond hair off Malfoy's forehead, smirking as she did so, as though anyone would have loved to have been in her place" - HBP, The Slug Club.
Later, Draco sits up and knocks Pansy’s hand aside but when he sinks back, he allows her to continue.
It’s like something arranged, like it has to be that way --and it doesn’t matter if there’s love or not, or anything at all. The Malfoys are/were the most important and wealthy family in the whole Wizarding World, why stroking the heir’s hair wouldn’t be the best thing in the world? He’s rich, he’s pureblood, he’s powerful, he’s important, he’s handsome. And why wouldn’t Draco like Pansy? She’s pretty, pureblood like him, from a good family, and treats him like a prince.
Maybe all I have is a fanfiction overdose and that made me see it that way, but they were raised so they would think about power, family trees to the point of marrying cousins. For me is a shadow of what the "Old" Wizarding World is, of how the Pureblood families think.
Now, I had said before that Rowling’s romance sucks, and I may like R/Hr but I still think the way she wrote it was average. Like they were just two normal kids and not Ron and Hermione. I hate how Harry and Draco were more mature in HBP but somehow Hermione and Ron weren’t. The whole situation was similar to the GoF one, but this time it was Ron’s turn, not Hermione’s; and there was public snogging involved. Ron has always been the most sentimental of the trio, and the idea of him snogging Lavender only because Ginny said he had never done it before is so classic and canon that I don’t understand why I didn’t see it coming.
To be honest, I loved it. I love when Ron and Hermione fight because it’s the way they are. Their relationship has always been conflictive and intense. They are completely different, they know each other so well, they stand out each other’s defects -- and they still like each other. That’s sick.
Still, I feel like there was something missing.
Remus/Tonks. That was... I’ll let my ship out of this because I know it’s not cannon and 90% based in fanon, besides, I want to think I have another reason. SO. The other reason. I see Lupin as a very complex character; he’s a werewolf after all, isn’t he? He’s dark creature with an innocent/faithful personality, he lost his friends, he lived the first war, he’s discriminated by the Wizarding World, etc. He has nothing and everything in his life is complicated.
I always pictured him alone, that’s why I hated it. Since the moment I heard about it, I knew how it would be: Sickening fluffy/sappy (and no, don’t try to say it isn’t fluffy just because Tonks cried in the whole book), and it was obvious because Tonks is completely different from him, she lived the good life, always smiling/laughing/joking, like there is nothing to worry about-- I kind of liked her for that, but that’s doesn’t change the fact that Tonks and Remus are not good together. Yes, JKR romance sucks and this pairing is one more of her failures. We don’t need everybody to be happy, we don’t want everybody kissing each other, especially if the pairing involves interesting characters like Remus!! Instead of that pairing she could have done something more Remus-centric she could have given us more information about the MWPP era. Anything but that.
I know there’s a lot more behind those two, I picture the whole thing, believe me: Tonks being a brave, smart, young, cute and open-minded woman with a good heart who gets to know this smart and attractive guy. She falls for him and, yeah, she doesn’t care if he has a disease. They guy, let’s call him Remus Lupin, can’t believe it, but panics when she makes it clear that she thinks the relationship is serious because it’s dangerous and wrong, specially because if she really understood what it meant, she wouldn’t be wanting a formal relationship with him.
Then HBP takes place.
I don’t know about you but it doesn’t work for me. I have nothing against R/T, but just hated how the relationship was handled. Some people say he deserves to be happy. Yes, that’s true. But not like this, not this "oh, lets take two minor characters and draw hearts around them".
THE POINT: I WANT MORE REMUS, NO MORE "HAPPILY EVER AFTER" Now, if you angst or sap it, that’s different. Maybe.
Fleur/Bill was good, if not weird. My first impression was something like: "FLEUR?? WITH BILL?? SO KRUM IS DATING CHARLIE!!??" At first I thought it was a desperate choice to get two non-important characters together, but it was okay. Unlike what people say about it, I actually thought she loved him from the beginning. She always looked like a good and smart girl for me, even the archetype of a perfect girlfriend, which probably is what maddened me when Molly and Ginny acted all Anti-Fleur. I liked it: It was simple and sincere, the only problem was the people around them and what happened to Bill.
Now it’s time for the H/anything-with-breasts ships. To me, Harry/Hermione seems too desperate: Everybody was madly looking for anything Harry could kiss, how could it be possible that the main character didn’t have a girlfriend?
FANDOM: And the one who is going to be Harry’s Destined Love is... Madame Rosmerta? --No, wait, something’s wrong...
I mean, the Ron/Hermione was obvious and yet people believed H/Hr was possible? I’ve seen plagues of "Rowling murdered H/Hr" icons, and I don’t understand it at all. It’s idiotic!! People say H/D is delirious and sick. Maybe. People say it’s OOC. Sometimes, yes. But H/Hr IS THE EPITOME OF ALL THE SHIPS THAT SHOULDN´T EVEN CROSS THE MIND OF A LIVING BEING. Mainly because it’s impossible and idealistic and het -- I can’t even think about Harry Potter kissing Hermione Granger.
In the first books Harry was the one in the middle. The most important of the trio, obviously, but he was in the middle. He was between those two, being the best friend of both of them, being supported by both. He was the center. Maybe that’s what explains that the Harry/Ron ship was at the same level with Harry/Hermione. He loves and appreciates both of them. And there was no way our Hot-Blooded-Hermione would end with someone so "passive" as Harry.
Harry/Cho actually existed in canon but it was pathetic, so much that slashers use it to prove that Harry is gay. I don’t see it like that, for me it was some kind of transitional period, but nothing really deep: They boy had to do his homework ---and have a love life. Cho is a boring character. Harry and a boring character leads to mass suicide, and that takes me to the next point:
Against what most of people think about Harry, I don’t like him. I don’t hate him or anything but I don’t like him that much. I always find something bad about him in every single situation: In my opinion he’s simply not good enough (but I’m not good explaining it, so when Jessy and I discuss about that and she says he’s good and blablah, I have to say she’s right, because she is). Fandom is my refuge because I find better Harries that somehow are still IC but improve a lot. When I think about that, I wonder if what makes me so unsatisfied about him is Rowling’s "fault". I really really like the canon story but there’s something missing in the way Harry acts, he can do things better or at least think better (sometimes) without altering significantly the story BUT NOOO that doesn’t happen, why? Good question. Answer that for me.
Anyway, the same happens with Harry/Ginny. I don’t hate it, but I find the way Rowling puts it pretty simple. For me, Ginny in book six was a completely different person from the one in the other books, and maybe it wasn’t the pairing what I didn’t like but Ginny. She was one of those characters who doesn’t really matter, one more of the lot, just a normal girl obsessed fangirl. I find absurd how Rowling changed that and made her a "Universal Mary Sue". It was a horrible mistake, mutilation of characterization, CANON RAPE!! Writers at least have to respect their characters!!
It’s sad, because while Harry stayed perfectly In Character, Rowling screwed it up with Ginny:
"Moreover, Harry being with the impulsive I KISS YOU! Is so very Harry I can't stand it. However, I do not think it was well done. Ginny remains a figure whose character seems to have changed too much between GoF and OotP, and taking Ron's one comment that Ginny never shuts up usually to its extremest limit, I still cannot accept that. It would have been very, very easy to have Ginny in any of the first four books come down with a 'QUIDDITCH IS LIFE' t-shirt on, or to have her animatedly discussing a trick she'd played, only to fall silent as she noticed Harry enter the room. Lazy writing, JK Rowling!" - Maya
Nobody can deny she was OOC, because all the proves are there: We had to hear Pansy and Zabini to know she is hot and popular, we had to read about Slughorn inviting her to his club to know she is charismatic and good at school - The Ginny we know is not like that, she goes to the Yule Ball with Neville Longbottom, is friend of Luna Lovegood, fancies Harry for five pathetic years and does nothing about it. That’s Ginny Weasley.
So yes, I know I was one more of the million who said "WHAT THE FUCK, H/G? FROM WHERE??? THAT WAS RUSHED!!!" and I take it back. I am reasonably disappointed about it but it’s idiotic to just attack the ship because I don’t like it. Harry himself is an Archetype, The Hero, and he had to get the right girl, the perfect girl. It was expected, especially after the metamorphosis.
The truth is that from a symbolic and "literal" perspective, the clues have been there -- millions of fangirls have been screaming that ship for years and that’s something ¬¬ Maybe not exactly literal but it was there since the first book, we shippers always take the most insignificant aspects as signals to support it and fanfic writers play it them and give them several meanings. If we do that, why it has to be different with H/G shippers?
It hasn’t. It isn’t.
Besides, it had to be Ginny. Who else? Luna? I liked the thought of Harry/Luna because I didn’t want to think about Ginny, Luna is more interesting, and, well, better in many different ways, except that she isn’t exactly pretty or accepted in the normal school society, putting aside that she’s new in the HP story, and taking as a fact that in OotP there were only two books left, that meant there had to be a lot of interaction between, which, of course, was impossible because those two were meant to be the most active/plotted of the seven. Besides, Harry is a visual person (he’s a teenager, for god’s sake). He likes the surface (Yes, he does. And GoF is a perfect proof of it), he works by first impressions and after that, he continues to the inside or whatever is left.
It’s not that bad, they’re not declaring undying love to each other. JK never mentioned love; we find "fancy", "attract", blablablah but not "love". If they were proclaiming declarations of love in HBP I would be hurling, but no, they didn’t. It’s a normal crush, and this liking in particular doesn’t include trust because it’s obvious that she knows no more about Harry and his problems than Neville or Seamus, and I’m guessing with that, that Harry doesn’t care about trust in a romantic relationship. That means Harry likes Ginny for smiling and snogging?
I think that’s the base of the relationship. Harry didn’t pay much attention to her until everyone started to talk about how perfect she was, until he noticed she had dated other boys and was going out Dean. Harry didn’t start to want her for himself until he found out everybody liked and fancied her, or wanted to be like her.
Still, I believe Rowling will move into something more substantial and, who knows, maybe the pairing will play an important role because ---you all know about Dumbledore’s speeches: "Love, love, love. All you need is love."
There’s one thing I haven’t talked about: The monster in Harry’s Stomach. That was, in one word, LAME. Honestly, there are lots and lots of ways to say someone likes someone, and... A monster? A monster? It didn’t work for me. It made me think: "YOU´RE HUNGRY, IDIOT!!" and with the repetition: "OH-NO, HOW THE HELL DID ROWLING RECRUITED SIS AND KEPT HER IN HARRY´S STOMACH??!! RUN, GINNY! YOU DON´T KNOW HER, RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!!"
But. It’s Okay. *deep breath* It’s canon, that’s the price and H/G will be one more of the many legendary pairing like Romeo&Juliet, Louis&Clark, Sherlock&Watson Rhet Butler&Scarlett O'Hara and a lot more. They will be known for years and years and all that stuff. But still, that’s all that ship is going to get from me, or at least that’s what I think right now.
I don’t like it, I don’t even truly respect it, I’m just in the final stage, the god damned acceptation.