Well... year's almost over and I'm not feeling the christmas spirit, people, I blame college for that. All I've been thinking this past month has been 1) Homework 2) Final assignments 3) Koreans 4) God, I want to sleep.
So. This post is dedicated to none of the above because I want to forget I'll be working my ass off during the holidays, thank you very much.
- I bought myself a Nokia 5530 for $2,600 MXN!! One of the few more-than-decent cell phones that are actually "cheap" and I got it for $1,000 LESS! I say SCORE!!!
- I'm getting a laptop soon, probably a Studio XPS. God knows I need one ASAP.
- Also, I feel like I've abandoned my scrapbook -- but, shockingly, I haven't. I'm surprised it lasted the entire year but now that I look at it... FOUR wallpapers? UGH. FIVE books? LAME. TWO layouts for this blog? LAAAME, even if I sort of made a few more.
I liked the whole "scrapbook" idea, maybe I'll do it again next year. - And I don't know why I've been writing in spanish. I really have no idea. My blogging habits seem to be changing out of nowhere. Let's see what happens.
- Resolutions? HEH... there will be an entry for that.
- The end. Off to sleep.