- Finish CMS - Almost done, probably finish it this week. After that, I guess I'll have to work on DGDA's online library. AND I DO NOT WANT TO.
- VN site - from scratch. I'll collect the requirements this friday.
- Database design - I decided to use my CMS to make my life easier, I'll have to do some changes, but I don't think it will take much of my time.
- thorazine_tea's layout - Current requirements: Red, Loveless, floral typography, main browser: Opera.
- Help friends with their project - I have no idea what they want me to do. I already made a template for the webapp, so I'm guessing they had some problems and they want direction.
80% percent of those are non-profit. Food may be used as payment for 40%. There might be another project soon. Or two.
And talking about freebies, I made
a layout two months ago or so: Mixit, grid-based, bottombar. It's not finished, I still have to work on the entry view but so far it works in Firefox, Opera, Safari, Chrome, IE6 and IE7. It's not breathtaking but I like it's simplicity, gotta love grids. I may share the code.