Nov 03, 2008 22:51
I'm so bored right now. SOOOO boooored.
I want more icons. I WANT MORE ICONS! 38 icons are not enough anymore! Now, ONE HUNDRED icons? that would be great. I have like 15 icons I want to use but I looove the ones I have and don't want to delete a single one!
Now that I think about it, the way I use icons has changed. During my early days, I used them to show my favorite character/story/ship/anything, and now it's a way to express feelings, reactions situations, blah, blah, blah.
I want to buy a new book, but I won't, not until I finish the one I'm "reading"... since september? august? It's not that it's not interesting. It is. WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME??!!!