I met with some friends yesterday and I expressed my total dislike to "Creep" by Radiohead while listening to said song - a couple of them disagreed with me and I tried to explain my reasons but probably didn't do it right, so here it is:
I am a Radiohead fan. I haven't bought their albums but I've downloaded all of them, including the live recordings compilation. I listen their songs everyday, with very few exceptions. They're currently #4 in
my top artists over all with 980 plays (after Tori Amos, Björk and Supervielle), they were #3 when I wrote
The Infamous First/Fell in love/Current Favorite Meme, and I am dying of excitement for their upcoming 7th album (THIS YEAR).
I love Radiohead for many, many reasons but in a few words it's because despite being a rock band, they don't have the standard rock sound. The Blends, OK Computer, Kid A, Amnesiac, Hail to the Thief are part of a shift towards music more and more alternative with their combination of rock and electronic sounds.
Pablo Honey, their first album, is out of the picture. Completely. Not only critics but the band itself has said it's their weakest album. Songs with simple riffs that could kill you with boredom?? Loud choruses and soft non-chorus verses?? Repetitiveness?? It's POST-GRUNGE FOR FUCKS SAKE (not grunge, I like Pearl Jam and some Nirvana just fine, thanks)!!! And not decent post-grunge, no, not even that, SUCKER suicidal post-grunge.
"Creep" is the epitome of that. "Blow Out" is the light at the end of the tunnel.
I said it back there and I say it now again: It's a pity it's their largest worldwide hit when they have 5 other albums with killer songs. Pick one, anyone, it's at least 10 times better than "Creep".