A Summer Closing.

Sep 01, 2005 12:20

in due time none of us will be talking anymore, its just what happens, everyone says they will stay in touch but really noone does, after high school everyone breaks and goes their seperate ways, its time to start a new chapter in your life. go whereever your heart takes you dont let friends or anything hold you down...it only makes matters worse. this summer was the shit, we gotta chill more this school year though.

ive made alot of friends, lost a couple and hardly talk to some. ive learned alot about my self and have elevated in my skills. i know what i want out of life now. im no longer taking my medications, i see the lies in them. even if we dont live in the best place in the universe...imma try n make the best of what i got, and thats not much.

i almost passed out yesterday, 30% THC is killer + i was dehidraded (spelling?).

ive been trying to get ahold of alot of the people i used to chill with back in middle school n shit and have contacted some of them, others havnt responded to any of my messages n shit, oh well. just trying to say what up wit cha.

its time to finally grow up, take shit seriously and start LIFE. im about to be 18 here in notime, i got like 2months. i cant be doing alot of the things i do now by then. its not good for me. its weird to have all kinds of responsibility all the sudden.

ight im sure your sick of my rambeling.

peace niggies

Theres 2 Ghettos, one of the mind the other physical
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