You know your from michigan if...

Aug 29, 2005 15:19

You know you're from Michigan when...

You define summer as 3 months of bad sledding
& half of your friends have perfect sledding hills in their backyard.

You can identify an Ohio accent with no problem
& Toledo traffic has got to be the worst thing in the world.

You can play & pronounce "Euchre".

The Big Mac is something you drive across, not eat.

Up north is north of Claire
& down south is Toledo.

You bake with soda & drink pop.

You drive 75 on the highway & you pass on the right.

You also don't believe in turning your blinkers on when making a turn.

You learned how to drive a boat before you learned how to ride your bike..
& you know more about the lake effect than you would ever like to know.

You can actually pronounce "Mackinac".

You've had frostbite & sunburn in the same week.

You've also seen snow, thunderstorms, & extreme heat in the same week.

When you order Ginger Ale, you expect Vernor's.

Kalamazoo not only exists, but it isn't too far from Hell.

At least one person in your family disowns you during the week of the big Michigan/Michigan State football game.

Half the change in your pocket is Canadian, eh.

When people ask where you grew up, you point to a spot on your left hand.

Most of the people you know say they're from Detroit, although you don't even personally know someone from Detroit.

Snow tires come standard on all your cars.

You don't understand what the big deal about Chicago is.

You consider shoveling the driveway a great upper-body workout.

You know when it has rained because of the smell of worms.

You refuse to watch the Weather Channel & you can just assume they're wrong as usual.

The snowman you made in your backyard actually froze--solid.
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